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Bill Gates — fallen hero of the mainstream media?

Felix Abt
2 min readFeb 11, 2023


We ordinary citizens may not be fans of Bill Gates for various reasons. The mainstream media, on the other hand, have always been enthusiastic about him for various reasons. However, the media darling has completely ruined it for his fans because he speaks the unflattering and inappropriate truth about Volodymyr Zelenskyj’s current Ukrainian government:

“Corrupt, one of the worst in the world, controlled by a few rich people!”

The statement was made Monday during a public dialogue between Gates and the executive director of the Gates Foundation-backed Lowy Institute, Michael Fullilove. Why do you think the Western media, which typically transcribes every word Bill Gates says, has been silent on this?

Renegade Gates

But Gates’ sudden and unexpected honesty was also shocking in another context where you would hardly have expected it from him — and again, of course, it didn’t resonate with the media:

“The current vaccines are not infection blocking; they’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration.”

Unlike the United States, China has not used its population as “guinea pigs” for untested mRNA vaccines and has only approved conventional vaccines that use the inactivated virus to stimulate the body’s immune system against the coronavirus. Gates was a strong proponent of administering mRNA vaccines, despite the lack of safety data. Now, surprisingly, he admits that the Chinese approach works better:

“China will have about a third the death rate of rich countries, including the US.”

As if that weren’t enough, Gates recently dared to say even more reasonable things about China, which undoubtedly infuriated the NATO-friendly Western media, which demonizes China and incites the public to support the impending war against the nation that, unlike the U.S., has no desire to rule the world:

„China’s rise is a huge win for the world […]. If you ask U.S. politicians ‘hey, would you like the Chinese economy to shrink by 20% or grow by 20%, ‘I’m afraid they would vote that ‘yeah, let’s immiserate those people.’”

So you can be glad if you don’t like Bill Gates. Because this renegade “do-gooder” will not speak to you so often in the future. Especially not in the mainstream media, where he is most likely no longer a politically correct object of fascination or awe. Wanna bet?


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Felix Abt

Traveler, author & veteran businessman. has banned some of my articles — read them all without censorship on Substack: