Not exactly God’s chosen people: in the Talmud, Jews refer to Mother Mary as a whore, Jesus Christ as the son of a whore, as a black magician, blasphemer, and idolater.

Felix Abt
4 min readDec 25, 2023


A book recommendation for Christmas for a perhaps shocking, but definitely eye-opening experience.

Book cover of “Jesus in the Talmud” by Peter Schäfer

According to Wikipedia, “the Talmud is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law and Jewish theology”. The author of “Jesus in the Talmud” is the renowned Jewish scholar Dr. Peter Schäfer. His scholarly focus has been to record and examine every single mention of Jesus in the Talmudic writings. Since the Talmud was written several centuries after the life of Jesus Christ, there are countless references to him.

The results, i.e. the sheer amount of hateful and blasphemous statements about Jesus in the Talmud, are astonishing.

Since the Jews had no particular interest in the Christians learning about the unflattering views of their God, and since the Christians could not speak Hebrew (or Aramaic, another language used in the Talmud), they were generally unaware of this. Therefore, they also did not learn that Jesus deserved punishment in hell — and that a similar fate awaited his followers, the Christians.

The Israeli Minister of Crime and Police, Itamar Ben-Gvir, a lawyer, says that it is not a crime for Israeli Jews to spit on Christians. On the contrary: “The spitting on Christians by Israelis is an old Jewish tradition”.

If they had known better, the Christians would not have regarded the Jews as God’s chosen people, but as antichrists, as it says in their Bible in 1 John 2:22: “Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist — denying the Father and the Son.”

Israeli politicians want to put Christians in prison if they tell people about Jesus Christ. The law was not passed for tactical reasons, as the Zionists feared losing the strong support of evangelists in the United States (who do not know the content of the Talmud).

Furthermore, based on Genesis 12, Christians are told to support the nation of Israel so that they will be blessed by God; however, the Bible teaches that God will punish them if they stand with a nation that He considers wicked and ungodly. Accordingly, John 3:36 reads as follows: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.”

In contrast to Christian belief, according to the Talmud Jesus is anything but God. Instead, he was the result of adultery and the son of Miriam (Mary), who had numerous men with whom she had sexual intercourse, and of Panthera, a Roman soldier. So it was this harlot who gave birth to Jesus. In Egypt, Jesus studied sorcery, paganism, and black magic, which he used for his miracles. The Talmud also describes Jesus as a fool and compares him to the villains of the Old Testament (Ahitophel, Doeg, and Gehazi). It goes on to say: “Bloody and deceitful people do not even live half their days”. As a result, Balaam (Jesus) died at the age of thirty-three or thirty-four.

Rabbi Pini Dunner, the senior spiritual leader of the Beverly Hills Synagogue, explains why the Talmud is so important to Jews. (Screenshot The Algemeiner)

It is also stated in the Talmudic writings that for forty days before the execution of Jesus took place, a herald went forth and cried, “He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy”.

According to the Talmud, there was no reason to be ashamed, because “we have lawfully executed a blasphemer and idolater. Jesus deserved to die, and he got what he deserved”.

Are the reasons for the deliberate destruction of Christianity’s holiest sites to be found in the Talmud? (Source Redacted News)

The Talmud claims that Jesus corrupted Judaism and should be burned and doused with boiling excrement as punishment for his crimes.

Special precautions were taken to achieve the goal of punishing Jesus severely, as the Talmud reports: “We even convinced (or rather forced) the Roman governor that this heretic and impostor must be executed — and we are proud of it.”

Jews may believe that this is true, and Christians may believe that these are lies. But no one knows for sure what happened.

Although Jews and Palestinians are genetically brothers, religiously motivated bigotry is a major driving force to divide them and resort to unspeakable violence. (Screenshot headline from the University of Arizona)

The Talmud and the Bible notwithstanding, a Semitic people committing ruthless genocide against another Semitic people and indiscriminately murdering innocent civilians from babies to great-grandparents seems to be possessed by the devil rather than following a divine calling, if there is such a thing.


Christmas post from Rosy Pirani on Instagram. Born in England, Pirani graduated from the University of Houston Law Center and became an attorney at Adams & Reese LLP in 2017. She is also an entrepreneur and has 646,000 followers on Instagram.

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This article was first published by the Asian internet magazine Eastern Angle.



Felix Abt

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