Investment, family and crops – how do they relate to each other?

Fellipe Candotti
3 min readMar 25, 2023


Investing and spending time with family are two important aspects of life that can sometimes seem to be in conflict. Many people struggle to balance the demands of investing and work with the desire to spend quality time with their loved ones. However, the two do not have to be mutually exclusive.

However, the two do not have to be mutually exclusive.

Investing can actually provide a way to create more time to spend with family in the long run. By making smart investment choices and building a solid financial foundation, individuals can gain the freedom to work less and spend more time with their family.

Adopting a long-term investment strategy that focuses on building wealth over time.

By investing regularly and staying disciplined, individuals can grow their wealth and eventually reach a point where they can reduce their work hours or even retire early. If you focus on accumulate as much money as you can month by month you may end up been frustrated.

Investing is more like grow crops:

-1st: prepare the land, loosing the soil.

-2nd: seeding

-3rd: watering

-4th: harvesting

We can translate into financial words:

Save: prepare yourself first, organize your bills and incomes and build an emergency fund to create a safe and soft ground, in case of falls.

Purchases: buy the assets accordingly to your profile. Buy recurrently (better having a low average cost than try to buy the dips).

Monitor and grow: monitoring the chart makes you see opportunities sometimes buying more or less quantity depending on the market prizes. And let the seeds grow, a good waiting time is 2 years to “harvest” the fruits.

Selling – don’t sell it all, leave the tree there. It will give you fruits for awhile. Only sell all your stocks if their fundamentals had changed completely and makes no more sense to keep in your portfolio. Market changes as your portfolio should.

Setting clear priorities and goals that balance both

This may involve creating a budget that allows for regular contributions to investment accounts while also allocating funds for family vacations or other activities.

Ultimately, the key to balancing investing and family time is finding the right balance that works for each individual’s unique situation. By taking a long-term perspective and prioritizing both investing and family time, individuals can create a fulfilling and rewarding life that includes both financial security and meaningful time with loved ones.

The secret of having both sides to succeed is creating deals with concrete goals involving all the members in the jorney, and once you have achieved these goals you should use part of that prize to celebrate with your family, creating more strong laces with the most powerful supporters by your side.

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Fellipe Candotti

Financial planner I enjoy writing about the investor’s mindset, creating wealth over the time while you enjoy the journey with family and friends.