From Cradle to Grave: The Importance of Continued Education

Ferdous Samim
3 min readApr 4, 2023


Young girls with black dresses and white scarves setting on the ground in a school writing, in Nangarhar City of Afghanistan. Photo by Roya Heydari
Girls studying in a class on the ground in Nangarhar, Afghanistan. Photo courtesy of Roya Heydari


There is a famous Persian proverb that says, “ز گهواره تا گور دانش بجوی” which means “seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.” This proverb emphasizes the importance of learning and continuing our education throughout our entire lives. In today’s world, technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, and those who cannot keep up with the changes will be left behind. In this blog, I will talk about the three main reasons why continued education is important: Competition, Adaptation, and Advancement.


With the rise of technology and the internet, almost all educational materials are now universally available. If we have a skill, it is highly unlikely that it is unique. There are a lot of people with the same skill, and this toughens the competition. To be able to compete, we must constantly learn and upgrade our skills. This can be done through online courses, YouTube, reading books and articles, and several other sources that we can do by ourselves. It is important to note that continued education doesn’t necessarily mean getting another degree. We can upgrade our skills by learning about our field or a new field that we might want to change our career to.

As an architect, I have seen how design software, tools, and techniques are upgrading every single day. From drafting with pen and paper to using Revit to Unreal Engine 5, the software tools we use are constantly evolving. Therefore, to stay competitive, we must keep up with the changes and continue to learn new software and techniques. However, it is not just about learning the tools; we must also learn the philosophy behind how to create the tools in the best and most effective way possible. Learning the tools and philosophy behind it ultimately leads to an advancement in our position in society and, ultimately, increased revenue.


The ability to adapt to changes is one of the key factors to success, and continued education plays a critical role in this process. As technology keeps advancing, so do the demands of the market. The skills that were once valuable may no longer be in demand today, and this is where continued education comes in handy. By keeping up with the changes, we can adapt to the new demands of the market and stay ahead of the game.

In addition to learning about the latest tools and techniques, we must also learn about the people for whom we are producing. We must understand our users’ behavior, reactions, and how they use our products. This is especially important in the fields of architecture and UX Design (User Experience). By understanding the needs and wants of our users, we can create spaces and elements that are not only functional but also enjoyable and sustainable.


The ultimate goal of continued education is to advance ourselves and our position in society. Learning new skills and upgrading our knowledge allows us to take on new challenges and responsibilities. This not only benefits us personally but also benefits our employers and society as a whole.

It is important to note that continued education is not just about learning new skills; it is also about developing soft skills. Soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork are essential in today’s workplace. By continuing to learn and develop these skills, we can become better leaders and team players.

In conclusion, continued education is a vital aspect of staying relevant in today’s competitive job market. The Persian proverb “ز گهواره تا گور دانش بجوی” reminds us of the importance of seeking knowledge from the cradle to the grave. With ever-evolving technologies, it’s imperative that we keep learning to adapt and advance in our careers. The competition is fierce, and if we don’t invest in ourselves, we risk falling behind.

So, I urge you to take charge of your education and career by committing to continued learning. Start by identifying the skills you need to improve and seeking out resources to help you do so. And don’t forget to check out my next two blogs, which focus on how to prepare an applicable timetable and how to overcome challenging times. Remember, learning is a lifelong process, and with the right mindset and tools, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.



Ferdous Samim

An architect with a deep appreciation for the interplay between form and function, and I enjoy sharing my insights on art, philosophy, and life through writing.