Respect Your Mind, Respect Your Time: The Importance of Effective Time Management

Ferdous Samim
4 min readApr 18, 2023


A white clock with pen, notebook and a mobile. Photo of Unsplash.
Photo: Unsplash


The key to transforming your lifestyle may well be in how well you manage your time — your most sacred resource!

I’ll share some suggestions and techniques in this blog that have improved my time management and brought me one step closer to my goals. Effective time management has many advantages. You can accomplish more in less time, lower your stress level, and be more productive with better time management. Additionally, you can carve out time for activities that are meaningful to you, like spending time with loved ones, engaging in interests and hobbies, or even exploring new career opportunities.

Time management is an essential skill that allows you to manage your time effectively and achieve your goals. With proper time management, you can improve your productivity, reduce stress and anxiety, and create a better work-life balance. Time management is not about doing more in less time; it’s about doing the right things at the right time to achieve your desired outcomes.

Brian Tracy

Create a Timetable

One of the most effective ways to manage your time is to create a timetable. A timetable is a schedule that outlines the tasks and activities you need to complete during the day, week, month, or even year if you have a long-term plan. It helps you to stay organized and focused, and it ensures that you are using your time effectively.

Calendars are especially useful for keeping track of appointments, meetings, and deadlines. They also allow you to schedule recurring tasks and events, such as weekly team meetings or monthly bill payments.

To create a successful timetable, it is essential to take into account your work and personal commitments, as well as your energy levels and productivity patterns. Imagine yourself in a classroom or university setting and concentrate solely on the subject listed in your schedule. This is one of the best ways that it has helped me stay on schedule.

To create my timetable, I use iCalendar on my Mac or iPhone, which allows me to customize my schedule according to my needs. I adjusted my timetable based on my work and personal commitments and added several calendars to my Gmail account, including Personal, Learning Time, Work, Family, and one for each of my projects.

A Macbook on the wooden table.

Add Tasks and Events

To add tasks and events to my calendar, I start by identifying the most important tasks that I need to complete each day. I then schedule these tasks at the most appropriate times, taking into account my energy levels and productivity patterns. For example, if I need to complete a complex task that requires a lot of focus and attention, I schedule it in the morning when my mind is fresh and alert.

Learning time is important to me. I specified a fixed time for each course and added a repeat option, asking it to repeat for the number of times I needed to finish each course. I also added the rest of my tasks around the fixed times, respecting the flow of my mind.

I also make sure to allocate enough time for each task, taking into account any interruptions or distractions that may arise. For example, if I need to complete a task that is likely to be interrupted by phone calls or emails, I schedule it for a time when I am less likely to be distracted.

Respect Your Mind

One of the most important aspects of effective time management is respecting the flow of your mind. Everyone has different energy levels and productivity patterns, and it is essential to take these into account when managing your time. For example, if you are a morning person like me, you may find it easier to focus on complex tasks in the morning when your mind is fresh and alert, while some are night owls and not very friendly with mornings.

It is also important to take breaks throughout the day to recharge and refocus. This could involve taking a short walk, practicing mindfulness meditation, or simply closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths.


To conclude, effective time management is crucial for success in both personal and professional life. By creating a timetable, using calendars, managing your tasks, and respecting the flow of our minds, you can increase your productivity and achieve your goals. It may take some effort and time to create a system that works best for you, but the benefits of effective time management are well worth it.

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my previous blog on the importance of continuing education, which is essential for personal and professional growth. Learning doesn’t stop after graduation, and we must continue to invest in ourselves and our knowledge continuously.

And stay tuned for the next and final part of this three-part blog series, where I will discuss how to overcome time and financial challenges in rough times to make time and effort for continued learning and improving your skills, or even getting a new career. By implementing effective time management strategies, we can make the most of our busy schedules and achieve our goals the way we dream of.



Ferdous Samim

An architect with a deep appreciation for the interplay between form and function, and I enjoy sharing my insights on art, philosophy, and life through writing.