Find your role in our crowdsale to support the Library
3 min readMar 1, 2019


Sixty days have passed since the beginning of the year: it’s the first of March! How about your New Year’s resolutions? We are fulfilling ours — today, we start the crowdsale to support community-powered library. The crowdsale is now live, and there are some great perks if you support us today and during the month of March.

We offer low prices, great service and bright ideas — something everyone is interested in, but this article focuses on the types of people who could benefit the best from supporting our library. Dive in, and maybe you will find yourself in one of the people described!

The thrifty buyer

If you always know the best sales in the city and remember gas price with a precision of three digits, you know how much storage space usually costs (if it has slipped your mind, a more detailed explanation can be found here). Our usual deal is pretty good: for $99, you get a private lifetime storage space of 1 TB right now and support the creation of a community-powered, free-for-all file library. Our deal during the month of March is much better: today, we are offering 30% bonus. This means you get 1,3 TB of lifetime storage space for 99 dollars!

The deal is almost as good tomorrow: it’s 29% off. And it goes on until the end of March — each day 1 percent less. It means you can get 300 GB for free right now if you decide to support us today.

The archivist

If you’ve ever made a family tree or a collage of your childhood photos, you might be the archivist. You are the one always sorting photos by color, season, event and mood, and your music library is unsurpassed not only in content but also in tagging skills. If this sounds like you, our Library will be your happy place. By supporting us today, you encourage people to share their files with future generations and get 1 TB of lifetime storage for your private needs — more than enough to store all your files in perfectly categorized folders.

The technology guru

Mining, altcoin, genesis block, hashrate, a whale? You know all of these terms, and they are not related to geology and sea animals. If that’s the case, the next paragraph is for you.

Our utility tokens are backed by already existing infrastructure: a P2P-accelerated file sharing platform working in a web browser without downloading desktop clients or plugins. The tokens are part of community reward system for sharing hardware resources. Using an integrated system of P2P and centralized file storage, we provide one of the best solutions for sharing files online, highly rated by cryptocurrency ICO rankings such as ICO Bench (4.5/5) and ICOmarks (8.9/10). Join in.

The explorer

You are the first between your friends to explore, try and adapt new trends. This is your chance to dip your fingers in the world of cryptocurrency and discover what it can offer. During the crowdsale, you can buy FFM tokens — a new utility token later used in our platform to buy content stored there. Library offers you the chance to find previously unheard music, to see original home-made movies and find other fun, useful sources of information.

The entrepreneur

Have you got content to sell? Library is the place for you. The Library will include free and paid content. If you provide paid content, such as photos, videos or music and somebody buys it, you will get the lion’s share of profits: 90% of everything people spend. But that’s not all: even if you don’t sell anything, a part of profits from advertisements shown on your page also goes to you. If you join today, you can be between the first users to upload your content — the competition will grow fierce when the Library is opened for general public.

Whether you find yourself in one of the descriptions or feel like belonging to all of them, supporting our Library is a decision you won’t regret — you will show your support to a great project and get more storage space than you can spend in a lifetime!

Visit and take part now.


-- provides secure and convenient SaaS data storage solutions for business, professional and private users, so that they can easily Store, Publish, Backup