How I Became a Pilot: Part 7 — 100% on Written Exam

3 min read16 hours ago


To obtain a pilot’s license, you must pass two exams: the first is the written exam, and the second is the Checkride, which includes both oral and practical parts and is conducted by a designated examiner. The Checkride is scheduled only after you have successfully passed the written test.

The written test is administered on a computer at an examination center and consists of 60 questions, which you need to answer within 2 hours and 30 minutes. The questions cover all sections of the training program. Some questions require calculations, so you are allowed to bring an E6-B flight computer (similar to a slide rule) and a calculator.

To pass the test, you need to correctly answer at least 70% of the questions. However, it is advisable to score at least 85% as this result might influence the examiner’s attitude. The higher the score on the written test, the less likely the examiner is to delve deeply into the theory with you :)

My E6-B Flight Computer

To prepare for the exams, flight schools offer a theoretical course (Ground School). However, I preferred to study on my own. My favorite textbook, the title and authors of which you can see in the photo below, was especially helpful. The material is organized so that each topic starts with a brief theoretical section, followed by numerous questions on the same topic with answers and detailed explanations. I also found online test simulators that allowed me to check my readiness for the exam daily. My preparation took about a month.

My textbook for preparing for the written test

So, on June 1, 2013, I passed the written test with a score of 100% and became “famous” for the second time. My first “moment of fame” was after my perfect first landing :) The test results are available immediately, automatically recorded in the aviation system, and the test report with a stamp is printed for confirmation.

When I told my instructor about the exam results, he couldn’t believe it and asked me three times to confirm! I had the feeling that I was the first student to score 100 points, at least in the “recent history” of the school :) Cecil even took a copy of my exam report “for memory”.

Written exam report, June 1, 2013

The story continues in Part 8 — Checkride and I am a pilot!

All Links:
Part 1 — Russian Origins
Part 2 — New Page in America
Part 3 — First Flights with the Instructor
Part 4 — First Solo Flight
Part 5 — Cross-Country Flights
Part 6 — Night Flight
Part 7–100% on Written Exam
Part 8 — Checkride and I am a pilot!




Private Pilot ┃ Hedge Fund Manager ┃ IG: @wolfru ┃ X: @VVOfitserov