Help Your Customer to Remember You

Folke Engholm
5 min readAug 28, 2019


Push notification could help retain customers and enhance engagement.

With the internet, people are exposed to any kinds of information online. While it’s good for you to stay accessible to your prospective customers, but at the same time, it also means they could easily get distracted by the noise. Moreover, the social media landscape has become so competitive that using platforms like Facebook to reach your customers organically has become virtually impossible.

So, what can businesses do to market themselves?

With the rising popularity of mobile marketing, a targeted push notification could be the key to remind your customers of your existence.

The Art of Push Notification

A push notification is a message that pops up on the mobile device of a subscriber.

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

Over the years, customers have been used to generic newsletters and offers that were sent without much personality that they ended up in their span mail folders. According to a survey from Localytics, people react better to notifications compared to constant exposure of ads. Even better, 70% of adults enabled push notifications from their favorite brands’ apps.

In principle, push notifications work similar to emails, as in both of them are quite handy to get people’s attention. However, what brands need to pay attention to is the information they shared with their customers. Knowing what might pique the interests of your audience is the key to stay relevant in sending push notifications.

Here are some tips to send the right push notifications.

Be well-prepared

Gathering valuable data around your customers is imperative before you send any notifications. There are plenty of strategies to do that, from segmentation, social listening, reviews, or A/B tests. The more you know about your customers, the better chance you have to cater to their demands and send notifications that matter to them. Based on the data, you can tailor your message to fit your customers’ tastes. When customers are exposed to information that is relevant to them, they are less likely to categorize your reminders as intrusive ads.

Furthermore, with enough data, you can anticipate future trends in your industry and notify your customers what might be trending next in the market. This way, not only you show information that is interesting but you also successfully remind your customers of your existence the next time they come across similar subjects.

Be aware of their locations

Photo by henry perks on Unsplash

Most mobile devices are now equipped with GPS that can easily tell you the locations of your customers. You can utilize your prospects’ locations to send them personalized and automated notifications.

Geofencing apps, for example, allow you to streamline your campaign processes based on your targeted locations. You can start by targeting specific areas, craft certain messages, and schedule the notifications to be sent out whenever your prospects are around the areas that you marked.

Be creative

The key to catch someone’s attention is to stand out. Avoid sending out boring and generic notifications that can be easily skipped by your potential customers. Try to incorporate catchy CTA with your push notifications to help you to entice your customers.

If you’re running an e-commerce website, you can also set an opt-in notification to visitors that visit your website multiple times to recommended items that you’ve personally selected based on their history. This demonstrates your brand’s capability to offer values that the visitors are looking for even when they are not aware of and how they could benefit from your notifications.

You can also utilize push notifications to let your customers know of certain deals of contests or giveaways that you brand are currently offering. People love good deals, so the odds are favorable to get more subscribers. Are you a calendar app? Tell your users when it’s time to leave to make it on time!

Be up to date

I often go to News Republic to catch up with the latest news, hence, I opted to receive push notifications from them alerting me of any updates in certain industries that I’m interested in.

Photo by Blake Barlow on Unsplash

If you’re a news or media website, you must notice the hordes of incoming traffic whenever you release a particular piece with “Breaking News” tag. You can use this to your advantage and send out push out notifications to a new user to ask them if they would like to receive notifications to stay updated about trending or breaking news. Bonus point if you tailored the notifications to their interests based on their reading history.

Be considerate

I understand that as marketers, you always want to be on the top of your customers’ mind. That’s also one of the reasons why I often received emails from the same brand with more or less similar content. I’ll tell you what. Most of them are left unread or sent straight to the trash.

It’s important to be mindful about the frequency of notifications you send. You can build trust with your customers by telling them that you respect their privacy and that they can turn off notifications any time they want. This way, they will be a lot more open to receive your alerts.

The Future of Push Notification

Adding push notifications to your marketing strategy is a smart move for your business to continue evolving. But we as marketers should always treat the power to communicate directly with our users using push notifications, as a privilege. Your push notifications should be useful messages, relevant and suitable for the context of each user.

Just remember, your best notifications are the ones that make life easier for your customers.


Viral Access is an AI and data-driven social communication company — we help you tell your story through social media. We pair your brand with relevant micro and nano influencers that help you increase awareness, engagement and conversion. We have the systems and team in place to support large scale communications throughout Asia.

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Folke Engholm

Currently based in Shenzhen, China, Folke Engholm is a result driven entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Viral Access, Asia’s leading Micro-KOL company.