What do I learn after years of experience in ballet?

3 min readNov 15, 2020


Ballet has been my only valued asset ever since the childhood, but now it become a past. Among all sort of sports I have experienced, none of those gives me a strongest vibe as ballet.

I should admit that I am not keen to ballet when going back to my first lesson or to be specify the first few years.


My parents and my aunt who indeed was my ballet teachers were full of high expectation on my performance. It turned out pushing me near to the edge of mental breakdown in several periods.

Nonetheless, the advantages I have been taken is far beyond than the disappointed moments.

If I had went back to my ballet class, i would have given myself some advices and that would be a piece of useful information.

  1. Don’t be afraid of getting hurt — a thing to be reflected our practice method

I dont mean that we have to expose to the dangerous situation, but we can get through it even though the injuries make us weaker. I remember that I practise many times in a week in order to get a good performance and accomplish what teachers desire. My back and foot have been suffered swallowing. At that period of time, resting was the upmost important thing i could do.

Meanwhile, i understood that every human is given a maximum limit so we couldn’t really just over utilising our body at the expense of our health. We could achieve a better result only by considering our physical safety in first priority.

2. Energy from teammates — a new insight for our improvement

We know that ballet can be seen as an individual exercise since people have to pay extremely attention on working their body alignment., we still need some support or encouragement from others.apart from mentor, the classmates might become our closest supporting group within the class. I wouldn’t see them as my competitors instead of our ally and role model inspired us.

If we are being trapped in vicous cycle of finding the improvement, seeking the help from the perspective of other classmates might gain us a new insight.At the same time, we are allowed to spot the strength from them, that might be beneficial to our learning. Just trying to show some respect and willingness to exchange the opinions with each classmates.

3. Attempt different sports — build up stronger muscle

Ballet is a kind of sport consisting of cardio and muscle strength utilize. It isn’t only easily completing the posture wtithout a proper body training. I was regretting that I didnt put too much effort on another sport which is beneficial to grow my body strength for the ballet performance. Swimming , Pilates, gym or yoga, to name a few, they all are good components in adding value to my ballet result. Don’t underestimate the power of working various sports.

The opinion that mentioned above is just my own observation and reflection. There are so many alternatives to drive us better in ballet learning. Lets share your opinion if you have any idea of the method to achieve ballet learning.

