Because You Have to Change Your Attitude in Life If You Want to Be Happy

Fernando leitão quintas
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2021
Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

We all want happiness, we all long for long life, and full of prosperity but the big question is, are you happy? This question may seem to be too simple, after all, everything we accomplish in our lives has the purpose of making us happy people.

The world in which we live is full of difficulties so that happiness for many becomes a dream that cannot be realized.

Man has never been under so much pressure as he is nowadays; financial situations, the cost of living, wars, diseases, natural disasters, hunger, and poverty have taken away the happiness of many.

What about the dear reader, has the hardships of life also let you down, robbing you of happiness? Remember that it doesn’t have to be this way, even under such difficulties we can be really happy?

But before we talk about what can make us happy, how about answering the following question: What is happiness? Well, there are many concepts about happiness, time would be lacking to talk about them all.

Happiness is the state of being happy, a feeling of well-being and contentment, which can occur for many reasons. Happiness is a lasting moment of satisfaction, where the individual feels fully happy and fulfilled, a moment where there is no suffering whatsoever.

Happiness is formed by several emotions and feelings, which can be for a specific reason, such as a dream realized, a wish fulfilled, or even people who are known for always being happy and in a good mood, where no specific reason is needed for them to be in a state of happiness.

This is how happiness is approached by many philosophers, psychologists, and religions. The philosophers associated happiness with pleasure since it is difficult to define happiness as a whole, where it comes from, the feelings and emotions involved. Philosophers studied what behavior and lifestyles could lead individuals to full happiness.

Define your purpose in life.
The popular saying goes, When you don’t know where to go any road will do. Having a purpose in life contributes to our happiness, by achieving our dreams we will have a sense of self-realization that will increase our joy of living

Be generous
Generosity is a fundamental quality for those who want to be happy, there is nothing more rewarding than using our resources in favor of the people who need it the most. Perhaps you say I have nothing to give, I am also in difficulty.
Have you ever thought about how many things you have at home that you don’t use? How about offering these things to a charity center? Or even use your physical strength to help an elderly person?

Be Forgiving
There is an Angolan saying, he who makes me dirty does not make me clean. With you, my friend, if I can call you that, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Being angry with someone is like drinking a glass of poison, who gets hurt is us, not the person next to us. So do everything you can to have a peaceful life, to live in peace with everyone.

Have love
It doesn’t matter if it is romantic love or a simple concern for people, love is very important to have good emotional health and to be happy.
Love is important because it leads one to care about the welfare of others and not to think only of oneself, which contributes to our joy.

Take care of your body
If you neglect your body you may contract a chronic illness, which will certainly diminish your happiness. Exercise, and have fun.

Take care of your money
The lack of money has led many people to serious problems and has caused many people to be unhappy. Here are some tips for taking good care of your money.
Increase your income
Spend less than you earn
Live a simple life
Buy only what you can afford

This article showed us that even though we are going through difficult times it is possible to have a life of accomplishments if we put into practice these simple steps highlighted in the article.

Remember: when you change, everything changes.



Fernando leitão quintas

graduated in industrial production engineering, I work as a purchasing manager, freelancer, digital influencer,I have a passion for writing poems and poetry