Claymore: Create and Play more!

8 min readMay 29, 2022


Create — Share — Play. All in one place.

The Fragnova Network aims to facilitate the creation of games in the open metaverse, making game development more accessible and fairly rewarding different groups of creators (from asset creators to game developers). Our vision is to empower the community, celebrate creative minds and provide the right tools with bleeding edge technology.

One of the main components to make this vision a reality is Fragcolor’s Claymore, an open source, multiplatform game creation system focusing on full immersion in which creation and gaming take place in the same environment, seamlessly.

Users will also be able to create mods and multiple types of digital assets, from 3D models to music. These creations can be published directly on the Fragnova Marketplace, which will be integrated with Claymore, making it easy and intuitive to use. Users will be able to edit their games in real time, join games from others and browse all kinds of creations from inside Claymore. This allows players to contribute to building the Metaverse from within the Metaverse.

In short, Claymore is a platform for creativity.

Claymore will be an ever expanding world created by its community, encouraging members to play and share their creations, and maybe even teaming up to create more complex projects!

Connecting creators and gamers

To understand how Claymore works, we have to start with the building blocks of the Fragnova Network: Protos (assets) and Fragments (final products). You can read our article dedicated to them here.

In summary, creators can upload assets (3D models, textures, shaders, etc) as Protos in the Fragnova Marketplace where they will be available to be used by game developers. When added to a project, the creator of a Proto will automatically receive royalties anytime that game or app generates revenue. Game developers can use these Protos to build whatever their imagination wants to, with little to no upfront cost.

Claymore is meant to be more than just a game engine, but also a global collaborative creation platform, with easy to use tools and asset sharing. But the fun doesn’t stop there, Claymore will also be a fully fledged game platform where players can explore and play with all the community’s creations.

This platform will break the barrier between creating and gaming, where people can seamlessly flow from building and editing their visions to interacting and experiencing it as a player.

Creations made inside Claymore can be published directly to the Creator Store as Protos (assets) or published and sold on the Gamer Store as Fragments (final products like games, apps or digital environments).

Every creation (be it an asset or a full game) is fully owned by their creators, meaning that the community holds the power and can decide what will happen with their work. These creations are immutable and will live forever in the Fragnova Network, but they can also be detached and moved to other chains.

Sculpting with Claymore!

Claymore’s easy to use and intuitive design tools provides satisfying and swift game development, even to beginners, allowing creators to bring their ideas to life. The platform will also come with a range of tutorials that will assist both beginners and experienced creators in their creative journey.

The creation tools will be visual, with buttons and expanding menus designed in an intuitive way to make creation fun and simple. These tools will come with a variety of options to allow picking different creative styles that suit the creator’s needs. Furthermore, with pre-programmed behaviors and logic the engine can assist creators, by automatically merging objects or placing effects for example, if the creator wants to.

We are inspired by other game creation platforms that have implemented tools in a very visual and user friendly way, such as Dreams (image below) and Rec Rom for example.

Sony Playstation Dreams, by Media Molecule

Different assets will have the ability to be easily connected in the editor mode through visual nodes to create mechanics, like connecting a button object to a gate object which will make the gate open when a player presses that button.

Players are going to craft their own assets or add (drag and drop) assets from the Creator Store in order to create anything from simple objects to fully fleshed out experiences.

But make no mistake, creating a game is a complex task and it involves many different skills. If someone is creating everything from scratch it may take them a while to learn all the tools and put together a finished game. That is where collaboration and interoperability come into play, letting creators focus exactly on what they like and borrowing assets from the Creator Store.

Everything created in Claymore will be fully interoperable, meaning they can be added into different projects with ease and work from the get-go. For example, if you create a door that opens when someone approaches it and upload it to the Creator Store, anyone using Claymore can simply drag and drop that door into their project and its logic and functionality will work automatically!

How games can evolve and be modded with Claymore

This means that creating mods of other games is also possible, which is a powerful community building tool that benefits both the original creator and the mod creator. A game’s community can be involved in creating content for their favorite games, a beautiful phenomenon that helped shape the game industry.

Since everything in Claymore will use the same engine (data, logic, code), players can jump from game to game in a heartbeat. Game developers can even interlink their games, creating portals between the two worlds and allowing players to carry items, effects, scores or currency if they wish so.

Playing with Claymore!

With Claymore players shall explore all the fun, unique and even experimental creations made by the community, from games to movies and music. There will be a section for curated and popular games so it’s easy to find the highest quality creations and check out what’s hot at the moment.

Gaming platforms, like Core (image below), Dreams, Rec Room and Roblox, have community curated game lists, from hot (new and popular) to most played games. We aim to have the same with Claymore, and let the community vote and decide which projects deserve the spotlight.

Core, by Manticore Games Inc.

Players will be able to collect items from games and trade or sell them in the Gamer Store. Some items might even be usable in multiple games! Thanks to the interoperable nature of Protos, the same item in different games can have similar functionality and developers can opt to allow the use of items acquired in other games (when it makes sense).

A voting system will ensure that good games get the visibility they deserve, and curators can help remove or hide bad and problematic games from the platform.

Building the engine

Claymore’s engine is being created from the ground up, including our own very special visual and textual programming language called Chainblocks which includes a WebGPU fully scriptable renderer (supporting also non web platforms using wgpu) and every single tool that a modern game engine needs including audio, physics and networking. The engine itself is built on top of this language and its virtual machine and this is the magic that enables an incredible degree of interoperability between games and assets. Fragcolor believes that game development should be accessible and serve its community, and therefore Claymore is an open source project. With this the community can collaborate and be more involved, helping shape the future of the platform and develop tools that are in high demand.

Thorough documentation is being written during the development process, as well as comprehensive and easy to follow tutorials. These will help contributors and creators understand Claymore’s tools and make it less intimidating for newcomers that want to unleash the full power of this platform.

Fragcolor will soon release a series of articles introducing the first documentation and tutorials for Claymore, so follow along and share your thoughts about the project. Everything Fragcolor is building is open source, you can check our GitHub page to learn more about our ongoing projects.

A Claymore demo is being developed and soon the creative community will be able to catch a glimpse of what’s coming to the Fragnova Network.

Shaping the space

Claymore will be exclusive to the Fragnova Network and fully integrated with the Fragnova Marketplace, making distribution of assets and publishing of games easy and quick.

We aim to extend this interoperability beyond just Claymore and into the open metaverse, having Protos and Fragments work on all other blockchain based gaming platforms.

Claymore is one of the tools in the Fragnova Network that will disrupt the game development space. With the vision of “Create, Preserve, Earn”, Fragnova’s goal is to lower the entry barrier, both technical and financial, to game developers and distribute perpetual royalties to asset creators in order to value their talent.

We invite creative minds to explore all the possibilities that Claymore offers, to play around and let your imagination run wild. Playing with clay has never been more fun!

About Fragnova

Fragnova is on a mission to revolutionize the gaming industry by promoting a more decentralized and creator-focused approach to game development, founded on User Generated Content (UGC). Via the Fragnova Network, creators and developers have a way to unleash their full potential and bring their creative visions to life. By building the new Creation Operating System, Fragnova empowers creators to not only create, but also preserve and licence their work.

At Fragnova, we believe in the power of creativity, and strive to make it accessible to everyone.

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Building the Creation Operating System to revolutionize creation, distribution and monetization of User Generated Content (UGC). Empowering creators.