How does email marketing work? 3 simple steps to build your strategy in 2023

Francesco Pazzaglia
3 min readOct 9, 2022


What is email marketing?

Email marketing is the process of nurturing, educating, and converting leads via their inboxes.

Email marketing done right accounts for 30% of your company revenue. It will be one of your most impacting conversion channels in 2023. (Even if there’s a growing trend toward Whatsapp, Linkedin, and SMS!)

Not sure yet? Check this article: Why is email marketing important in 2023? Look at these 5 facts & statistics

How does email marketing work in 2023? 3 actionable steps to rock your strategy

Email marketing is the 3-point scorer of your funnels.

Article: 4 easy ways to make money on your newsletter in 2023 (we took from the Pros!)

SEO articles, social media, gated contents, and paid ads are your wings and pivots to create a good play. Then, when Steph Curry (i.e., email marketing) unravels, pass the ball and make him score.

So, email marketing alone is unsustainable.

You’ll have to create a magnet funnel strategy to make it the star.

But how?

#1 Choose the right email marketing tool

Choose the right tool: screen of mailchimp pricing page

Check this free guide I’ve written on Quora >

#2 Build a sustainable acquisition strategy

How does email marketing work in 2023? Wireframe of the various steps

Here you should create lead magnets that will make your email marketing list grow.

Ideally, your funnel should be something like:

[#1 Touch] SEO + Paid ads + Social Media →

[#2 Touch] Download gated page →

[#3 Touch] Automated email flows (CTA: Book a call or Unlock the free trial) →

If you want to find out how I’ve written these 2 actionable guides on Quora:

P.S. The goal is to build a sustainable marketing mix: you can’t put all your eggs in the paid ads basket. Instead, mix your strategy with free channels such as SEO, Social Media (+ founders’ personal branding posts). Also, share your valuable content in forums, Slack groups, etc.

#3 Automate your basic email flows

Once your lead ends on a gated page and leaves his contacts, you must send them periodic emails to give value and nurture it.

screenshot of salesforce download page your complete crm handbook

A sustainable business generates 30% of its revenue from email marketing. These are the 3 automated email flows we leveraged to make it real >

Also, you should send at least one email campaign weekly.

Don’t know what to send? These 7 free resources were gold to me >


This post shows how email marketing works and 3 simple steps to build your strategy in 2023.

These were the 3 main points:

  1. Choose the right email marketing tool
  2. Build a sustainable acquisition strategy
  3. Automate your basic email flows

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Francesco Pazzaglia

Content Lead @Cubbit | Top 3% Nova Talent | Mentor @Mentors4U | Let's connect: