The Secret of Playa Guiones S.1Ep. 3


Narrator: For years, people around the world have been attracted to a remote beach on the Pacific Ocean located near the equator in the peaceful Central American country of Costa Rica. There they talk about vortex energy, and the beach is called Playa Guiones,

Is there in fact a magic vortex in Nosara, as believed by the local community? Our research team is there to find out. Headed by astrophysicist Tyler Travis, a team of scientists is determined to solve the mystery and unlock the Secret of Playa Guiones. (theme music plays)

Base Camp

Tyler: “We were measuring an unstable pattern of electromagnetic energy when a large pulse of energy overloaded our circuits and fried most of our equipment. This happened even though we were powered by a generator. This is crazy.”

Radar: “Meanwhile we detected ionizing levels of microwave radiation while discovering the corpse of a monkey that may have self combusted.”

Tyler: “We’re going to talk to some of the locals and see if we can come up with any clues about what’s going on down here at Playa Guiones.”

Jenny: “Every evening at sunset, locals and tourists gather on Playa Guiones in what appears to be the worship of a dying sun god. We need to find out what draws them to this evening ritual time after time.”

On the Beach

Female Tourist #1: “A vortex? I don’t know but there’s a special energy on the beach at sunset that I just can’t describe. It gives me a natural high. I just love it here!”

Tourist #2: “I don’t know, time just seems to stand still sometimes when I’m here. And then all of a sudden, I’m on the plane going back home. It’s like time is different here.”

Local Girl: “When I came down here for the first time, I made a wish that I could stay forever. And here I am, my wish came true! I moved in with my new boyfriend and our life together may be simple, but he promised me it will last forever! Love love love it! It just shows you that you can manifest your dreams here.”

Local Man: “I moved down here during Covid because I just had to get away from the city where I was living. I should say where I was dying. I figured that if I could work remotely, why not work remotely here in Nosara? What I didn’t count on was all the weirdness in the networks. I’ve tried them all, and none of them are reliable. I even tried Starlink, because I used to work for Elon Musk, but I can’t link up with any of his satellites either, because there’s some sort of weird radio interference here. Now I’m trying to sell my house, but the market has crashed, just like my computer.”

Local Woman: “I came here and I discovered my future self! It’s just a matter of stepping into it and believing in yourself. Nosara is a magic place where the past no longer exists! We are free to transcend our old personalities and be whoever we dream!”

Tourist #3: “I come down for the food, everything is so fresh and delicious. I eat like a pig all week and when I get home I step on the scale and I’ve lost weight! It’s like the laws of physics don’t apply when I’m down here. I’ve been looking at properties here though and it’s like the laws of economics don’t apply either.”

Hybrid being: “The vortex? What many humans here call a vortex is a portal that allows transport from my native planet called Sunaru. My team’s mission is to collect DNA samples from your healthy male species to rejuvenate our dying planet.”

Dude: “The waves are pumping! I was tubing and carving and flying all over the place today! There’s a great energy in those tubes and I was positively defying gravity!”

Old timer: “You want to know about a vortex? It’s more like a mulcher, sucking up bodies and turning them into fertilizer. I’ve seen ’em come and go. They’re all wide-eyed and Pura Vida and then Nosara just chews them up and spits them out. It’s a weird place for weird people. I love it.”

Back at Base

Tyler: “It’s obvious from the stories here that we are dealing with some type of energy or force that I never learned anything about in any of my astrophysics research. We appear to be dealing with some sort of time-warping, biophysics defying, energy-destabilizing, perception-shifting, gravity-defying and other-worldly crazy phenomena. The question is, can we measure it, and if we can measure it, can we explain it?”

Radar: “I don’t understand it. Without my equipment I don’t know how to analyze it. What the people are saying here doesn’t make any kind of sense.”

Jenny: “It’s like some other dimension where the laws of physics are completely different.”

Tyler: “You might be on to something, Jenny. What if we really are in some different dimension down here? If that’s the case, then our laws of physics might not work the way we expect. Let’s find some local people that may be able to help us understand what’s going on here.”

Wolf: “I was at the local organic store and I saw some posters from some people that claim they have unusual abilities. And for some strange reason, people here seem to be fixated on cacao, maybe that’s a clue to something.”

Tyler: “It probably won’t be too hard to find some people like that that we can talk to. Well, it’s not exactly scientific, but we’re looking for any possible clues into the strange forces here, so let’s talk to them.”

To be continued…

Episode One



Fritz Elmendorf Twitter @felmendorf2

Retired journalist, Congressional Aide, PR exec in DC. New Messiah is my serial novel about Luke, a Rockstar, UFO contactee, running for 2024 US President.