Galactic Council Considers Earth’s Fate Pt. 3


Arctur the Arcturian and Riki the Reptoid continued their conversation, getting looser with their somatic beverages.

“Riki, fill me in on the backstory of planet earth. I’m sure you have some good stories.”

“Well, you know, we almost took a pass on that planet. It was subject to periodic flooding and an unstable climate. But it had resources and we planted our flag when it was flooded and no one else was particularly interested. Two civilizations had already crashed.”

“That was a good investment. You have to take the long view.” Arctur’s blue eyes twinkled in jest. “And there’s only 10💯 planets, they’re not making any more. I kid you. But how did you get the idea for the race? What were you trying to do?”

“The business plan was to create a vacation destination, called Earthworld. You know, travel designed for the adventurous intergalactic tourist. One of the attractions was a very popular hunting excursion, for instance, and we needed humans who were clever enough to make the hunt exciting. We figured out how to manipulate DNA so that their eternal souls would continue to recycle on earth. We also needed labor, for construction projects, like the pyramid system for generating energy.”

“What went wrong?”

“We ended up giving the humans too much intelligence. DNA can be tricky to manipulate. And we started losing control. And yes, we gave them religions, which worked really well, except when they didn’t. And now, frankly, control is slipping and I share your concern that things could get chaotic.”

“Yet, you imbued them with souls, and souls want to be free.”

“No, I have to disagree with you on that. The earthlings can’t handle freedom,” Riki declared.

“They can handle the truth. Maybe not all of them all of the time, but some of them some of the time. And the truth will set them free. Or at least give them a chance to be free.”

“You sound like the damned Venusians, Arctur. I thought we were friends! The damned Venusians are interfering and telling the earthlings that they can escape the cycle and join the higher dimensions.”

“But they can. They can escape your control. Free Will is a universal right.”

“You know it’s not a universal law in the third dimension. We haven’t lost control. Not by a long shot.”

“I’m going to invite a Venusian to speak at the next Council meeting. I think the Galactic Council needs to hear a progress report directly.”

“You betray me, my Arcturian friend.”

Arctur took a deep breath and defused the tension. “I’ve enjoyed our friendship, Riki. It extends across galaxies. This seems to be a curious race you have hatched on planet earth. But they deserve a chance to escape the matrix you have created if they are worthy.”

To be Continued…

Part 1 here

Part 2 here

Part 4 here



Fritz Elmendorf Twitter @felmendorf2

Retired journalist, Congressional Aide, PR exec in DC. New Messiah is my serial novel about Luke, a Rockstar, UFO contactee, running for 2024 US President.