TikTok: The disinformation is everywhere

Elliot Alderson
4 min readSep 22, 2020

TikTok is back in the news. Yesterday, Trump approved a deal between TikTok and Oracle. Oracle will take a 12.5% stake in a new company called TikTok Global, while Walmart will have 7.5%. The company will be headquartered in the US.

In my previous articles, I focused on some of the logs sent by the Android version of TikTok:

Today, we will focus on a different topic: the disinformation associated with TikTok.

I) Introduction

This story started a few days ago. During a conversation with a friend based in the US he told me: “My daughter asked me if Biden is a pedophile. She saw that on TikTok”. This sordid attack, promoted by Trump himself, is straight from the QAnon conspiracy. How could a teenager be exposed to such crazy theory?

We know for a fact that disinformation played a major role in the last US election. 4 years later, disinformation has changed but it is still here. In order to tackle this worldwide issue, I co-founded a new company called Predicta Lab. It’s now time to test our new tools to find disinformation on TikTok

II) Search PedoBiden content on TikTok



Elliot Alderson

🇫🇷 Hacker. Fight disinformation at Predicta Lab. Not completely schizophrenic. Not related to USANetwork.