So You Have Discovered How Awful Women Can Be…

Greg Ganues
7 min readMay 8, 2018


So you have discovered just how shitty human beings women can be. Congratulations! We all make that discovery at some point in our lives. I make no judgment or assumption about what has opened your eyes to this fact. I’ve been there, done that though. What I’m gonna try to do here is talk you through this, OK? The first thing you need to do is breath. Next, I need you to ignore that greasy looking motherfucker with the Richard Spencer hair over there trying to give you those Red Pills. You don’t want that shit. It’s poison. Don’t worry, I am not the guy that is going to try and sell you some rainbow unicorn everything will be fine soon garbage, but that Red Pill stuff is the last thing you need right now. Or ever really. Just stick with me a bit while I strip away all the societal bullshit to show why you are in this emotional place and hopefully help you figure out where to go from here.

You are a male of the animal species Homo Sapiens. What? I told you I was going to strip away all the bullshit! Being a male of this species comes with a few biological imperatives. Pretty much all of society is based around either catering to those biological impulses, suppressing those biological impulses, or distracting from those biological impulses. There is obviously way more to it than this, but for the purposes of what we are talking about here we can boil those biological drives down to three things:

  1. Impregnate a woman.
  2. Protect that woman and your offspring while she cares for them.
  3. Die a gruesome death while fighting a bear so your mate can escape with your offspring as the bear eats you.

Rinse and repeat with your surviving children. Clearly, this is an imperfect system. Fortunately, Homo Sapiens are much smarter than the average ape. We are also social animals, so working together we have been able to mitigate that whole dying at the hands of a wild animal thing. Those biological impulses are still there though always lurking just beneath the surface. They aren’t even bad when you think about it. As base animal instincts go creating, protecting and sacrificing for a family is actually pretty noble. It’s just really easy for someone to get badly derailed in our modern civilized world because something interfered with those instincts and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.

I have no way of knowing what has happened that has brought you to your current woman-hating state of mind. I do know it probably involves the heartbreak of betrayal, rejection or a combination of the two. Occasionally, it may be the case that someone who would better be described as a parasite than a woman has attached herself to you and used you shamelessly. Perhaps you are coming out of an abusive relationship. Certain types of women are masters of emotional abuse. Physical abuse is rarer but does happen. It might even be rape. Ten percent of rape victims are men. Half the time the perpetrator is a woman. If you are one of those one in twenty rape victims I’m sure the last thing in the world you want to hear is some “feminist” yammering about how all men are inherently rapists or some shit. More than most it is understandable why you might want to hate every last one of them.

Look, with a few rare exceptions just about every man has been in the exact place where you are right now. We just don’t talk about it as a general rule. When we do it’s usually mentioned with either dismissive disgust or a distant almost joking live and learn attitude. Every time you hear a woman from a man’s past described in those ways, no matter what the demeanor in which he is telling it, there is emotional wreckage and devastation behind that story. Every so often you will encounter a man who will claim to be in touch with his feelings and say he is open about the pain in his past. He will be able to relay a few awful things in order to look like he is in touch with himself. That man is a lying fucking poser. There is something back there bottled up behind his zen demeanor just like with the rest of us. Hell, his demons are probably worse.

A few decades ago a guy in your position would follow a predictable cycle:

  1. Sequester yourself for a bit until you are in enough control over yourself not to do anything unseemly like cry or babel in public. In the event you are unable to isolate yourself, insert anger to hide any other emotions. If you are really about to lose it, put your fist through something. Any tears can be blamed on pain that way.
  2. When you do emerge again get emotional support from “the guys”. Frequently at least one of your friends would be in a similar emotional state and you could be toxic and awful together. If not, your friends would be understanding of your bile and let you spew it a bit knowing you’ve come by it honestly. The drinking, drugs or whatever other numbing distraction works best for you would happen here. The more socially isolated would have to rely on talking themselves through it, but sometimes your own internal dialog can be more helpful than anything else when you are in pain.
  3. Move on.

Around the mid-90s, this thing called the Internet happened to mess with this tried and true way of dealing with our emotional problems. Now we were connected to each other in ways unimaginable just a few years prior. Most of the time this is great, but there are times that inter-connectivity with your fellow man works against you. Remember that hypothetical friend from yesteryear I mentioned above who is in the same awful place as you? Now you can interact with hundreds of him at the same time! All you have to do is log on to The Red Pill sub on! That is the worst possible thing you could do right now.

Thanks to the wonders of twenty-first-century technology you can now have all of your temporary assumptions about the world confirmed in one place by other hurting men. Feminism is evil, and is in fact anti-woman too! Our society is feminized to the point that everything you encounter will have an inherent anti-male bias! Women are all very mercenary and are always on the lookout to “trade up” for something “better” than the person they are currently with. Eventually, they will play this game for so long they will hit a wall where their looks and desirability start to fade and they will grab the first pathetic loser who falls for their deceptive ways to settle down with. The smart men avoid being that guy! Complex human sexual dynamics are boiled down to transactional crypto-fascist interactions that can be easily digested by the wounded. It all sounds so right. These things all sound just like what happened to you, whatever that was. It all sounds just like her, whoever she is.

I will at least give these guys one thing; they have a certain type of woman nailed to the wall. I’ve met her, same as they have. I even dated her a time or two. Don’t date that person. Ever. You know how you will hear women complain about all men being one way and make broad generalizations about all men based on this one asshole? Being a man, you know it isn’t true for all or even most of us, but you have met that guy. You have just encountered the female version of his despicable species. She isn’t all or even most women any more than that asshole is all or most men. Staying away from her kind from here on out is the first step to a happier life. If you start turning all women into her it will only lead to even more misery.

If any of these guys had it all figured out do you think they would be on the internet with this much anger? They don’t. I don’t either, but at least I have the sense to know it. Life and human interactions are an art, not a science. What is true with one person isn’t true with another. What is true with the dynamic between two people is different when those people are with someone else. Different people bring out different emotions and behavior in other people. Every person, man or woman, can be an angel or a demon or every shade in between depending on the situation and people they are with. It’s all just part of being human. You aren’t going to be at your best right now. Maybe for a while. Be careful who you are letting into the emotional void.

Be bitter. Be angry. Get it out of your system. As far as I am concerned you have earned the right. Just don’t turn it into your goddamn ideology. That is one hell of a cross to carry around with you from here on out. Bitter self-alienation that reinforces itself isn’t an easy cycle to break out of. Fall down that rabbit hole and you may never be able to claw your way back out.

This will be OK eventually, but only if you let it.

Greg Ganues is just some dude. He has opinions and an asshole. He has been illicitly published by a foreign website. Able to dispense mediocre political commentary, he has advised Hillary Clinton, written about Generation X, and resurrected Klaus Nomi to sing bumper music at the end of an essay. He will happily argue with you on Twitter.



Greg Ganues

Transgressive Left-Wing Essayist. I have been published without consent by an Indian website.