In times of crisis look for the helpers…

Good for Nothing
5 min readMay 15, 2019


Homeful — next phase.

So our Homeful experiment kicked off with great vibes last month. A room full of smart, curious folks showed up, you can watch the whole series of framing and talks in the video below, or just get to each individual movement talk if you scroll down.

After the talks, the room self organised into three crews to support each of these 3 missions, with the plan to go on and develop a concept and launch an experiment to increase their impact over the next three months.

Some crews are already working on ideas via slack teams and I’m going to share one idea which is already livem which we’d love folks to share or help amplify/spread etc.

We’re now running monthly pop up 3hr sprints for the next 3 months, the first is next week in London, everyone is welcome so please do come, there’s so many ways to get involved. Register here

Below you can find each talk, the initial thinking/brief that each movement came in with on where they need help.

There’s a lot of talk of crisis in our world right now, Good for Nothing is one simple way to participate in imagining and experimenting our way to something more beautiful.

It’s a way to point a little bit of your talents, skills, time and energy at something with potential to regenerate, we really need our fellow humans to come together right now, so please get in touch if you want to help with us on this…

Get in touch or come and join us next week in london Register here

Challenge 1: UK Student Climate Strike Network

Loads of urgency on this right now and about bloody time, as Jake outlines in the talk above. The May strike is next friday.

The crew that formed at Homeful are working on various threads, and Jim Holt has already hatched an idea out into the world which is trying to encourage those who are not voting in the European elections next week/ can’t be arsed, to gift their vote to an under 18 who will be the most effected by all this.

This is Good for Nothing at its best, no waiting around, learning by doing, lead with an idea which is about a moment in time — an opportunity and hope that the power and heart of human networks might respond.

This is a really simple idea and one which is getting traction already, Greta Thunberg’s Fridays for Future are already tweeting it…

Please do share it around and take the action yourself if you’re not going to vote, do it on behalf of a young person that wants to vote for the climate.

It’s called Gift Your Vote — its simple and lovely

All the links and info you need are here — if you can help get the awareness of this raised by folks with influence and reach then please do! Creative generosity innit!

Challenge 2: Do Something for Nothing

Joshua Coombes is one inspiring human, if you don’t know his work, please check it out

Here’s Josh’s talk from Homeful

Josh is overwhelmed with interest in his work, but he needs help to convert it into more action on the streets. In his words how to translate instagram likes into boots on the street.

Homelessness is growing at crazy speeds, whatever city you live in. How do we respond with more creativity and empathy, how do we shift our cultural norm of walking on by ?

Here’s the initial brief, a crew is forming, come and get involved next week in London or drop us a line. Register here

Challenge 3 — The WorldWide Tribe

Jaz O’Hara and the WorldWide Tribe are trying to bust the myth around what is in to be a refugee on the move, to share the real stories of why people are fleeing their homes, as well as bringing creative responses and support into refugee camps around the world.

The numbers of people expected to become refugees over the next few years through climate breakdown alone is going to be insanely large, dwarfing current refugee numbers. The need to shift our perception of refugees and dial up our empathy for our fellow human beings is urgent. The work of Jaz and TWT is incredible and they need loads of helo.

Original brief here, a crew is forming, come and get involved next week in London or drop us a line. Register here

So this is Homeful — 3 months, 3 movements, 3 issues all interconnected: our planetary home, fleeing home and living without a home.

This is a big creative generosity experiment, a rebellion of the heart, we need loads of help, we don’t have all the answers, but we know enough to start.

In times of crisis, someone wise once said — ‘look for the helpers’, there is real medicine in doing Good for Nothing, we need more helpers, lets do this!

Register here or drop us a line:

Massive kudos to Sam Ridge for photos and film and Ash Pollak at Etio for making that happen ;-)

Peace and out
Dan Burgess and Crew



Good for Nothing

A rebellion of the heart. Creative generosity. Gift your gifts. #DoGoodinYourHood #Giftivism #GoodforNothing #Rebellionoftheheart