Comfort Zone Challenge 2: Asking Fast Food Restaurant to Remake Your Burger Like the Picture

George Chu
4 min readSep 15, 2017


Photo by Elli O. on Unsplash

Remember the last time you ordered a burger at your favorite fast food chain? And when you unwrapped the cover, you get all bummed out because the burger inside looked nothing like the ones advertised on the pictures. The good thing is that most people don’t care if their burgers looked like the picture or not, but one guy on YouTube did care, so he made a video of him going into different fast food restaurants and getting the workers there to remake his food into looking like the ones in the pictures.

I thought the video was pretty funny. In fact, the workers in the video thought it was pretty funny. This led me to think that it would be pretty funny if I actually went into a fast food restaurant and got them to remake my burger too!

In between job hunting on Monday, I decided to give this challenge a try at Burger Kings.

My go to Burger King hamburger is usually the Whopper Sandwich. It has the right amount of vegetables and meat stacked together, which I really appreciate. But the Whopper Sandwich is not a hard burger to make. In fact, it was the only hamburger in the entire video that didn’t need to be remade after one try.

I am going to pick a burger that is harder to make and on the pricier end, so the workers won’t feel too bad about remaking my burger. After scouting the menu, I found my choice. I went with the Bacon Cheese Whopper Sandwich.

I unwrapped the burger they gave me. Yes! It looks nothing like the picture. I was pretty happy because the burger cost 7 dollars, and I didn’t really want to repurchase another burger this week just because the workers decided to make me a perfect burger.

As I was getting ready to go back to the counter and make my request, my brain started screaming at me. This is dumb! This is dumb! It repeated. The workers also seem like they are really busy! I tried to talk myself out of the challenge.

On the other hand, I should just go there and make the request. If they are really that busy and reject me, then I’ll just be on my way. The important part of the mission is to just go up there and make the “dumb” request.

I went up the counter. It looked busier up close, at least in my mind. I wanted to talk to the manager, but She was managing the other staff members.

I stood there, with a burger in my hand, on the side of the counter. The other customers were either ordering food or waiting for food. I looked out of place. The wait could have been worse. Good thing there weren’t that many customers in the store at the time.

While the manager moves closer to the counter to deliver the food to the customer next to me, I tried to catch her attention.

“Hey excuse me.”

“Be right with you sir”. She went to deliver another order. The waiting continues.

“How may I help you, sir?” She came back a couple of minutes later and asked.

Okay. It’s my turn now. I am totally committed to doing this. “Hi I would like to make a request,” I said politely. “So I ordered the Bacon Cheese Whopper Sandwich, and this one here looks a lot shorter than the one in the picture.” I showed her a picture of this burger on their website. “I was wondering if you guys could remake it for me to look more like the one in the picture?” I asked with a smile.

This is what it looked like on their website
This what mine looked like

She didn’t smile back. “Sir, we make all our sandwiches with a specific amount of ingredients, we cannot add more stuff to yours.”

“Well, you don’t have to add in more ingredients,” I suggested. “How about just rearranging what is already there and make it look more like the picture?.”

“What do you want to change about this burger specifically?” She asked.

What to change specifically? I don’t know! I was hoping they would find this request amusing like the workers in the video and just remake my burger.

She had the turned the tables on me, and she was pretty good at it.

I tried to find an obvious difference between the sad looking burger they made me and the picture on their website. “Yeah… I can’t really see the bacon in mine. I was hoping I can see more of the bacon in my burger. And make everything look a little nicer please!” I suggested. Again, the manager was not very happy with me.

She took my burger to the back of the kitchen and instructed the staff to remake my burger. “The customer wants the bacon to look a little nicer,” she told them. Not quite what I said.

She came back and delivered me the remade burger. “Really appreciate it,” I told her. I was pretty satisfied that I finished the challenge and that they actually took the time to remake my burger.

I unwrapped my remade Bacon Cheese Whopper Sandwich. It didn’t look like much of an upgrade from the previous one. The sight of it made me chuckle.

