Comfort Zone Challenge 1: Asking for 10 Percent Discount at Local Coffee Shop

George Chu
3 min readSep 10, 2017


iced Hawaiian coffee with honey and Kalua pork pie

On the Monday of Labor Day, I decided to take on the “Coffee Challenge”.

I first heard about the “Coffee Challenge” on a Business Insider article. The challenge was created by Noah Kagan, founder of the product promotion startup Appsumo. Basically for the “Coffee Challenge”, you would go into a random coffee shop, ask for a 10 percent discount on your order, then wait to see how the cashier would react.

This might sound like a stupid challenge, but its purpose is to push you out of your comfort zone. Many times, people choose to not take action and go for what they want in life because of the fear of rejection. Therefore, “stupid” challenges like this that push people out of their comfort zone, with a high chance of getting a rejection, are quite brilliant in my opinion.

My original plan was just to go to a nearby Starbucks to do the challenge, but my brother suggested that my chance of success would be higher if I chose a local coffee shop where the workers are more laid back. I searched up coffee places on my iPhone’s map and decided to go to one of Honolulu Coffee’s locations near Waikiki, which had good yelp ratings.

front of the shop

I arrived in front of Honolulu Coffee with a slight bit of nervousness. The shop, despite being located on busy street, was quite peaceful. It was surrounded by the tall green plants that separated itself from the street.

Just go in and ask for that 10 percent, I thought to myself, also don’t forget to smile and make small talk. I wanted whoever the cashier is to like me.

I walked in. The ordering station was located at the entrance. I took the chance to look at the menu while the person in front of me was finishing up his order.

“Hi! How are you, sir?” The cashier said.

“I am doing good. Would you mind recommending me something sweet to drink?” I smiled.

“Sure! So we have the Hawaiian coffee that has a nutty flavor, and if you add honey to it, it becomes a little sweet. There is also…”

“I think I’ll just take that one.” I interrupted.

“Okay.” She moves closer to the cash register to ring me up.

It was my moment to make the request.

“Actually…. can I get a 10 percent discount on the drink?” I politely suggested. This was followed by an awkward pause and strange gaze from the cashier.

“May I ask why?” she asked, still smiling.

The worst thing one can do at this point is to say you are sorry and proceed with the original order. The “Coffee Challenge” was meant to be uncomfortable. You are meant to take a stand for yourself and put up more of a fight. Luckily, I came prepared with a couple of pretty lame reasons on why I should be getting that discount.

“Do you guys have like a special discount for the 30th or 45th customer that walks in every day?” I tried to be funny.

“No sorry.”

“Well… I am actually feeling pretty down today, and it would make me really happy if can get that 10 percent discount.” I forced an awkward smile.

“Sorry sir, we are actually not allowed to give out discounts. However, we do give out a free pastry with the purchase of any drink after 4 p.m.”

I checked my phone. It was 3:26 p.m.

Normally, a person would just buy the drink and try to come back for the special next time. But I am trying to be as honest with my writings as possible, so I have to admit that is not what I did.

I excused myself in middle of the order. Then I went to a nearby bookstore to read for about 30 minutes, came back, and bought my Iced Hawaiian Honey Coffee and got my free pastry. The Kalua pork pie tasted great!

