The “Possibility Menu”, a Town-Market experiment

A legend about the birth of Clarity Laboratory in France.

Gabriel Lechemin
4 min readApr 27, 2024
Bagnères de Bigorre market is a renowned one, with numerous artists, craftsmen and local producers of all kinds. It’s an example of abundant connections, and much of village life takes place here. Villaging is possible in this archetypal location.

The fear was with us. We were all going to the market, yet we were not prepared. And I would say we were not prepared for both sides of the coin: neither about what to face in people and about the general outcome of the experiment.

Not knowing what was about to happen, we all went folding pieces of paper and started to write things on them to get something to give to people around, so that they have ‘something material’ to touch. Hands dirty, hesitating and trembling fingers, short breath, the clock ticked relentlessly forward, its hands indicating the hour of departure.

A culture whose origin is a non-material value, the Invisible, requires some abilities to transmit that invisible. You have to be a kind of Bridge maker to make it happen. A culture based on Transformation, Healing, Evolution is honoring relationships and Connection, Love is put in forefront. Clarity, Integrity are also coming along with it, yet the way people ‘touch’ and are ‘touched’ by these values is different and relative to every Being.

The subtlety of catching something that is barely palpable for a large scale of the population of modern culture petro-patriarchal society is a desired skill. Some artists and quite sensitive beings inherently have this perception of the Invisible, but how to make it tangible, reachable and touchable by the ones we want to relate with and act in forefront of the society’s evolution?

In the beginning of our experiment, folding things and putting my paper board on my head to release the load, I remembered the fidgeting, the excitement and also the fear of being seen. “What will happen?” were saying the eye glances and the hesitations within the group. Resistance was in the air. Daphne was griming, Leonhard was in this fidgeting excitement to get out and also ready to put a mask on his face despite the willingness to go for exploration -not speaking any french! — I could sense the isolation I was tempted to go in, a Gremlin cave that I know so well, retrieving in fantasy worlds for not being seen.

We collected our strength, breathed and started walking straight to the market.

The place was crowded, fuzzy and busy when we arrived but the place we chose was under a tree, offering spaciousness for connection.

We were amazed by the curiosity of people, coming, asking. “It was healing to see the interest of people there. Connecting heart to heart in silence was also a relief”. Said later Leonhard.

Gabriela started the rage spaceship in the background and Daphne followed her, while I was recentering with Eithne, looking around and opening the space for the market experiment, a paper board with 6 wild invitations such as: 5 bodies scan, delivering possibilities, listening space, speaking from the unknown, appreciation of the being ‘being with’.

The 4 cards we started with, Anger, Fear, Sadness and Joy, with a lot of different proposals: complete incomplete emotions, centering, 5 bodies’ scan… An Intimacy Game emerged from that.

In the hand we grabbed our 10 cards with possibilities: gameworld consulting, centering, complete incomplete emotion, ‘yes-no-ha’, 4 feelings

We were standing there as something went wrong, and something we didn’t dare to think of happened. Seeing Leonhard speaking English around French people was amazingly both desperate and healing. There was a way to get through the incapacity: trying anyway to communicate no matter what. I realized that one of the most frightening thing for me is loosing the ability to speak, as it happened before in a state of emotional shock, another Emotional Healing Process I would write at the end of my journey log book awaiting to be unfolded in a safer space.

Leonhard was going for people in the street, talking to them in English even so they were barely speaking it, or none at all. People giggling around didn’t seem to bother him, he was like naked, yet standing. I took an energetic picture of that moment, innerly laughing at the inventivity of this fellow wizard.

Giggling and smiling, probably amused, the honey maker started responding in a raw english: it works!

Looking at each others, Eithne and I got back in first position, gathering attention to recenter, grounding and bubbling our inner culture spaces and started welcoming people.

I started awkwardly to share what is it that I’m providing, like a broken and clumsy evangelist beginner. Hopefully Eithne caught me and gave me this feedback “it is not marketing, shift go!”. I surprised myself talking instantly from another place, a place of Connection.

Trout asked for possibilities for being more centered and aware of his presence. We did a centering practice. I smiled when he said he was organizing ‘rage for men’ in Spain, right person to connect with!

At the same time Gabriela and Daphne were saying “Yes!” “No!” “Ha!”
We could see the little waves of fear rising up in the bodies of people, as if the space was getting clearer and cleaner with each vibration of surprise in the bodies.

Clarity Laboratory was born.



Gabriel Lechemin

Transformative Coach for a Regenerative Culture, Archan Permaculturist and Artist.