Cap and His Crew: By Garren Ouellette

Garren Ouellette
4 min readSep 27, 2019


Captain America had some characters that he had close relationships with, and he had some that were not too close. In this article we are going to talk about five characters that were most impactful to Captain America. Here they are:

Bucky Barnes

Bucky Barnes has had a HUGE impact on Captain America. Just like Cap, Bucky was a World War ll veteran. Some casual fans of the MCU have no idea that Bucky was good friends with Captain America. Here is a scene from Captain America: The First Avenger of Bucky coming to save Steve from getting beat up even more. Bucky was taken in by Hydra, this is where Bucky got absolutely brain washed. Hydra gave Bucky an arm that was SUPER powerful. He was frozen just like Captain America. Hydra did this so Bucky would not age. This is when he adopted the name “Winter Soldier”. Here is a clip where Captain America finds out that his old best friend is still alive. It was from this point where Cap’s mindset about the Winter Soldier changed. At first, there was a plan to kill Bucky, now Cap wants him to stay alive.

Peggy Carter

Peggy Carter was “one of the most prominent agents of the Strategic Scientific Reserve during and after World War ll”, according to this article. Cap and Peggy have a VERY interesting, and confusing relationship to say the least. You can say that a lot of Captain Americas accomplishments/missions were dedicated for Peggy Carter. Peggy was the reason why the serum that Cap got injected into himself was invented. With that alone, is a significant impact on Captain Americas future. In Captain America: The First Avenger, there is for sure some romantical tension between Cap and Peggy Carter. Almost every time Cap had a mission to complete, he looks at a picture of Peggy to remind himself on why he is fighting. In Captain America: Civil War, Steve goes to visit Peggy when she is of older age and very sick. Also, later in the same film, he attends her funeral. However, it is not 100% confirmed, but it is believed that in Avengers: Endgame when Cap went back in time it was to marry Peggy Carter. People believe this because when Cap is giving Falcon his shield, you can see a ring on his finger.

Tony Stark

Tony Stark and Steve Rogers have had some ups, and they have had some downs in their relationship. The impact that these two put on each other was significant. If these two never made up after arguing so often, the Avengers could have easily been split in half. These two men were the “Alphas” of the Avengers. This was the first of several arguments that these two had over the years. Steve and Tony are just throwing shade at each other during this argument. Steve calls Tony selfish, Tony calls Steve a laboratory experiment. Also, these two are considered to be the first to join the Avengers. Here is a clip from that shows one of the most iconic fights in MCU history that is between Captain America and Iron Man (with some appearances from Bucky).


Surprisingly, these two did not meet too long ago. Steve Rogers met Sam Wilson (aka “Falcon”) while they were doing a running workout one morning. While they were talking, they were joking with each other and Sam Wilson told Cap an album that he should try to listen to. It was easy to tell that these two would get along easily. Here is a clip from where these two met. During the big fight in Captain America: Civil War, Falcon was on Captain America’s “team” if you will. Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson had such a good relationship that at the end of Avengers: Endgame, older Steve Rogers gives Sam his shield. Steve is giving Sam the right to be the next Captain America. Sam was completely shocked by Steve doing this.

Nick Fury

Nick Fury was very impactful to all over the Avengers, including Captain America. Nick Fury is known to be the founder of the Avengers. Steve Rogers and Nick Fury meet in The Avengerswhen Steve is in the gym late at night. Here is a clip from that scene. Without Nick Fury, there would not be the Avengers. Yes, Captain America would still be a person, but Cap would for sure not be who he is today. You can argue that out of all of these different MCU characters, that Nick Fury was the most impactful for Captain America.

If you want to read my last blog on Captain America. Click here. This blog is about four major moments in Cap’s career.

