Cap’s Political Conflicts and Citizenry: By Garren Ouellette

Garren Ouellette
4 min readNov 9, 2019


One of Captain America’s biggest political conflicts is when he does not want to give the Avengers away to the government. Tony Stark and others wanted the government to supervise the Avengers, while Cap and others did not want any types of supervision. Personally, I feel like this is a little bit ironic because Tony Stark is normally the type of person that would not want to give the Avengers away. Also, Captain America is normally not the type of person that would not want supervision. However, Tony Stark feels guilty for killing innocent people in battles. This situation pretty much set up Captain America: Civil War. In this film it was “Team Iron Man” vs “Team Captain America”.

Another political conflict that we will talk about in this blog is Captain America’s best friend, Bucky, was framed for the bombing at the U.N. at the signing of the Sokovia Accords. This bombing that Bucky Barnes was framed in, was the bombing that killed T’Chaka. T’Chaka is Black Panthers father. Obviously since they have been best friends since they were young kids, Captain America has to keep Bucky safe.

Captain America is looked at as the most perfect citizen there could be in the world. He is the most stereotypical patriotic person there could be. At a young age, Cap joins the military to fight for his country. Cap then volunteers for a special serum that would give him super strength and much more. Cap is humble, smart. caring, and everything else you could imagine. In the Marvel films, Captain America is looked at like a leader within the Avengers. When it is time for a big decision, the rest of the Avengers look towards Captain America. An example of good citizenry is when in the end of Avengers: Endgame Captain America knew thought it was for the best if he stopped being Captain America. Cap gave that power to Sam Wilson, also known as “Falcon”. Captain America bases his decision’s on if it is good for the people. Cap never wants to harm any of the people. Steve Rogers is man of his word, never goes back on anything. Captain America is big on bringing out the best from his partners, his value of loyalty, and his integrity (Smith,2018). If you want to read more about Captain America and his views in politics, click here

There are some characters in Marvel that do not see eye to eye with Captain America. For example, Iron man (Tony Stark). After some certain events where Iron Man accidently kills innocent people, Tony Stark wants to slow down a little bit. Tony wants to receive the supervision of the government. Surprisingly, Tony Stark wants to take the more passive route in this situation compared to other people.

Tony Stark is not the most ideal citizen. In fact, we could far as saying that he quite the opposite than Steve Rogers when talking about citizenry. Mr. Stark can be disrespectful, egotistical, sometimes lack of care, selfishness are reasons he is not the most ideal citizen out there. However, Tony Stark is arguably the smartest Avenger (sorry Bruce). A HUGE reason why the Avengers are successful is because of the brain of Tony Stark. The equipment he can produce, the upgraded technology usage, are big reasons why Avengers can succeed.

Another character that is sometimes looked at like a leader is Bruce Banner. Bruce is that big green thing, you might know him as the Hulk. Steve and Bruce have a pretty similar story on how they became superheroes. Bruce Banner is a good citizen, however, Hulk not so much. In the early stages of Hulk, he would smash ANYTHING he wanted to. Hulk did not care about anything that even remotely got in his way.

Captain America is the perfect citizen that anyone could ask for. In my last blog that you can find here, I mentioned how Captain America is a god in the Marvel Universe.

