Captain America and His Morals: By Garren Ouellette

Garren Ouellette
4 min readOct 11, 2019


Captain America is a man with many conflicting morals, values, and ethical dilemmas. In the MCU, Captain America is basically Mr. America. Throughout his time in MCU, Cap has several difficult decisions that he has to make. If you want to read more about Captain America, click this.

According to this article, Captain America’s personal morality was surprisingly originated with ancient Greek philosophers. The same article from above goes to explain how his values are old fashioned. I believe that Captain America’s values are godly. People look at him like he is God. In the MCU films, it is obvious that Cap is looked at as the leader. For the most part, Captain America’s morals are food the good. He is a rare “super hero” to really limit his bad morals. It is easy to tell that Captain America is a good person, the way he communicates with others is just easy going. Cap sometimes acts like an old man (like he is). He is a VERY old-fashioned guy. Cap has a list of movies and people to learn about since he was frozen for seventy years. Cap is also very humble about his accomplishments, he does not like to brag about what he has done in the past. Also, Cap never gives up. For example, it was a mission for him to fight in World War ll even though he kept getting rejected from joining. Cap could not fight in the war because of how small and skinny he was. This is where he agrees on receiving the “Super Solider Serum”, so he is able to fight in the upcoming war. We all know his famous saying, “I can do this all day”.

Over the years Captain America has had several very tough decisions to make. One decision that really stands out is when he did not want to give the Avengers away to the government. Captain America and Iron Man had different opinions on this situation, which caused a civil war within the Avengers. Here is a clip of the Avengers fighting. Another tough decision that Captain America had to make was during Avengers: Endgame. Cap decided to give his shield to Falcon. Even though we do not know exactly how difficult that decision was, we can pretty much assume that was thought out for a long time. A lot of fans (including myself) just assumed that Bucky would be getting the shield from Captain America. All of the other Avengers lean on him when it is time to take make a huge decision. The first big decision like that came in the original Avengers film. Captain America tells Black Widow towards the end of the film to close the portal. This was a HUGE decision because Iron Man was still falling from space, and if the portal shuts before Iron Man gets out, he will obviously die. If you want to see a clip from this scene, here it is. This was a risky decision by Cap, thankfully it still worked out. I believe that his Avengers teammates follow is commands is because of his integrity. They believe everything he says.

Captain America is Mr. America however, he will not ever listen to the government. Cap is just interested in serving the nation in general. He does not want to be under the supervision of the government. Cap believes that is bad for the Avengers. Captain America has good morals and values because he is just a normal guy from Brooklyn. Some of the other Avengers do not have all the human traits that Steve Rogers has. Captain America has many traits that resemble “America”. Cap’s humility, perseverance, and his ability to sacrifice really represent who Captain America is and who he is supposed to be. With Captain America being so humble, that is one of the reasons why he is not the most popular MCU character today. This list will show you the power rankings of the MCU characters in 2018. Most casual fans and big fans of the MCU like Captain America, but Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk will stay more popular. That is the case because on how outgoing, and how crazy these other characters are. Hulk for example, a big green monster to some people is more fun to watch than a human running around in a suit.

Captain America is an old-fashioned man with strong morals and beliefs. Cap is a man of his word, always ready to make big decisions. He is always ready to fight in battle and sacrifice his body. He is one of the most underrated Avengers.

