Adventures in Serverless at Auth0

Glenn Block
2 min readSep 20, 2016


Last week was the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. I am thrilled to tell you that I’ve joined my friends at Auth0 as Director of Product Management for Webtask, a key technology which today powers Auth0’s products. I’m working with a fantastic team, including my boss Tomek, the original author of Webtask and long time friend. You can read more about Webtask in Tomek’s comprehensive set of blog posts such as this one.

Serverless compute is an emerging paradigm that is starting to gain a lot of interest and traction. The promise of Serverless is to greatly reduce the pain of deploying, managing, and scaling applications. Webtask provides a unique angle on this which has already provided tremendous value to Auth0’s customers for integrating and extending Auth0’s platform.

So where are we going next? We’ve seen a lot of interest today in using Webtask outside of Auth0’s identity product for integration and/or extensibility in a Serverless manner in the cloud and on-premise. We’re going to make this a lot easier. This is just the beginning!

Auth0 is an amazing company that I’ve been fortunate to work with as an advisor and partner for the past several years. It is great to now be working at Auth0 as we take Webtask to the next level.

If you have interest in Webtask and its future, drop me a line at, or head to the #future channel in our Slack group. We’d love to hear from you!

Also follow our @webtaskio twitter for more updates to come.



Glenn Block

I love building products. Serve and help others, DEI Advocate, Growth Mindset, Founder@Prodsense. #BlackLivesMatter