Capstone: Reviewing My Peer

2 min readOct 10, 2021

So, welcome back to the journey that is my capstone! This post will be somewhat different solely because instead of talking all about my trip, I will be sharing someone else's.

Out of all of my awesomely talented classmates' projects, I am most excited for Nicole Verdesis.

Nicole’s project is something completely extraordinary and somewhat of an intellectual journey for those of you who have trouble with really tough, intelligent people questions(Basically calling myself out but let’s not talk about that).

Nicole’s capstone project is a book that answers questions on random topics in short paragraphs and offers an illustrative process. I enjoyed her project from the first day she decided that this is what she wanted to do because it fits her personality. In my short time knowing Nicole, I have learned that she has a lot more to offer than anyone would ever think. Her project is a culmination of her creative drive and intellectual curiosity of wanting to know about things she never knew before and then sharing that with others in a better and more simplified manner for her audience.

As I said in the above paragraph, Nicole's project is best suited for her because it fits her personality. When I say this, it brings out her curiosity to learn and creativeness to share that with those around her. Being able to get to know her more as a person, I have seen how much Nicole is driven to achieve her goals and always be in a mindset to learn something new whenever needed.

Her project is honestly going to be such an excellent presentation, but if I could make just ONE suggestion…. I would only ask that there is a chapter on the process of art. I say this because I feel that the world misunderstands the world of designers and knocks the practice. After all, they don’t honestly know what it entails and how long and precise the process of an artist is until they have to do it.

I’m honestly so excited for the final for your project Nicole, and I can’t wait to read your awesome book!!!!!!!

If you’re as curious and excited as I am about her project, I strongly suggest you follow and catch up on her journey!




Just another artist trying to art the best way art will let me.