Capstone — Project Statement

Nicole Verdesi
2 min readOct 4, 2021


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If you have not read my first post “Intro to Capstone” please click here.

A black cat typing very fast on a laptop computer


Quick Look Query Book–A Compendium of Answers for the Pseudo Intellectual is a book whose purpose is to answer often asked questions about random topics in just a paragraph or two, as well as illustrate the processes or actions involved.


Using both text and images Quick Look Query Book–A Compendium of Answers for the Pseudo Intellectual explains the answers to random, but curious questions. These questions often pertain to complex processes such as physics and medicine, but unlike many explanations which require a professional to understand, the answers to the questions in Quick Look Query Book–A Compendium of Answers for the Pseudo Intellectual are explained briefly using common terminology. A bright color palette and illustrations are also used to exemplify every answer, making it even easier for the reader to understand and creating a more visually stimulating product.


  • Book
  • Complex
  • Question
  • Answer
  • Curiousness
  • Processes
  • Sentence
  • For Dummies
  • Educational
  • Skimmable
  • Illustrative
  • Shower Thoughts

Primary Goals

  • To provide the reader with a brief synopsis of the answer to a more complicated question.
  • To practice briefing a large-scale project into a simpler explanation.
  • To create a visually appealing and interesting product.
  • To promote interests for the readers.

Primary Targets

  • Students
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Retirees
  • Curious people

Why Does This Matter to Me?

This project matters to me because it is something that I believe, just like me, many people would find interesting and learn a lot from. I often find myself asking, Googling, and researching random and curious questions, so I figured that creating a book for individuals with similar curiosities would be beneficial both for me and people who may read the finished product.


  • Book
  • Merchandise (T-Shirt, Sticker, Tote Bag, etc.)
  • Webpage
  • Advertising (Billboard, magazine feature, etc.)

Thank You!

Be sure to read my next post, Target Types here!

