Make Money Passively By Developing APIs — RapidAPI

Georgi Minchev Yordanov
3 min readOct 29, 2021


As a programmer, there are lots of ways to make money actively and passively! I am going to tell you about one of the passive ways in this article.

What you need to know:
What is an API?
API stands for Application Programming Interface.
What is RapidAPI?
World’s largest API hub - RapidAPI is a platform where you can either sell or buy APIs.

APIs can be a passive way of making money. When you create an API you can put it up on RapidAPI and start making money passively!

How exactly do you make money with your API?

With Plans:

^This is default^ before you set any prices the plans will look like this.
There are 4 plans with completely customizable prices.
You can also make any plan recommended by clicking the star on top of it.

You can customize it to be Pay Per Use or Monthly.

Pay Per Use - Every time your client uses the API (makes a request) a set amount will be charged (I recommended for this option to not set the amount too high).

Monthly - Every month your client pays the amount you have set. There are also two types of limits you can select to restrict requests - soft and hard.

Soft - After a certain amount of requests a person will be charged.

Every single one after the 1000th request for the month the person will be charged $0.01 in this example.

Hard - A set amount that you cannot go over.

You can have a maximum of 1000 requests per month in this example.

Some more info - I won’t be going into how to develop an API in this article. You receive 80% of the money and the other 20% goes to RapidAPI. You already have to have an API before you do anything in RapidAPI.

Learn How To Create APIs

There are hundreds of beginner-friendly courses for APIs and Web Scraping on Skillshare. (affiliated)
You get 1 month for free and an annual discount of 30% if you use code ANNUAL30AFF.

Thank you for your time if you liked this article and if you want to see more articles like that be sure to follow me! Comment if you have any questions and I will answer them!

I have more articles about passive income and money-making overall on my blog! If you are interested you should check it out!

Hundreds Of Courses For APIs
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Georgi Minchev Yordanov

I am a writer that talks about programming, making money as a developer and other tech related topics. You can also follow me on Instagram