Things to Consider When Writing Content With AI

Furkan Özkaya
8 min readMar 22, 2024


Critical considerations for AI-assisted content creation, balancing innovation with authenticity and engagement.

Things to Consider When Writing Content With AI
Photo by smilephotoap on Freepik

The Evolution of AI in Content Writing
The Pros of AI-Driven Content Creation
The Cons: Navigating The Pitfalls
Critical Considerations For AI-Assisted Content Writing
a. Ethical Considerations
b. Fact-checking and Accuracy
c. Plagiarism and Originality
d. Editing and Proofreading
SEO Optimization and Semantic SEO
Audience Engagement and Brand Voice
Future of AI in Content Writing


In today’s digital age, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and content creation has opened new avenues for marketers and writers alike. With AI’s capability to generate text, analyze data, and predict trends, it’s no wonder that professionals in digital marketing, particularly content marketing, are keen on understanding and utilizing these tools to their advantage.

However, as we venture into this new frontier, it’s crucial to navigate the waters with a keen eye on both the potential benefits and the pitfalls that come with AI-assisted content writing.

Integrating AI into content creation is not just about efficiency; it’s about redefining how we conceptualize and produce content on a previously unimaginable scale. But as with any tool, understanding its proper use, limitations, and impact on our work is essential. This post aims to shed light on the critical considerations when writing content with AI, ensuring that our approach is not only innovative but also ethical, effective, and genuinely engaging to our audience.

The Evolution of AI in Content Writing

The journey of AI in content writing is a fascinating tale of technological advancement. Initially, AI’s role in content creation was limited to basic tasks such as spell check and grammar correction.

Nevertheless, as technology progressed, so did AI’s capabilities, evolving from simple assistants to sophisticated tools capable of generating entire articles, blog posts, and even creative writing pieces. Today, AI content generators can produce various content types, mimicking human writing styles with impressive accuracy.

Yet, this evolution is not without its challenges. While AI can generate content unprecedentedly and quickly, the nuances of human emotion, creativity, and subjective interpretation often remain elusive. This brings us to the crux of the matter: AI, for all its prowess, is a tool that augments the content creation process rather than replacing the human touch entirely.

The Pros of AI-Driven Content Creation

The benefits of incorporating AI into content creation are manifold. Firstly, efficiency and speed are significantly enhanced. AI can generate drafts, suggest edits, and even conduct research in a fraction of the time it would take a human. This can be a game-changer for businesses and content creators juggling multiple projects.

Moreover, scalability becomes a tangible reality with AI. Producing a high content volume across various topics without compromising quality can help businesses stay relevant and engage with their audience more effectively. This is particularly beneficial for SEO. AI tools can analyze keyword trends and optimize content accordingly, ensuring better visibility and engagement.

However, the balance between these advantages and the considerations of authenticity, ethics, and quality forms the heart of this process. Understanding both the advantages and the challenges is crucial for anyone looking to integrate AI into their content strategy effectively.

The Cons: Navigating The Pitfalls

While the allure of AI-driven content creation is undeniable, it’s essential to approach these tools with a balanced perspective. The road to AI-assisted content perfection is fraught with potential pitfalls that, if not carefully managed, could detract from the quality and authenticity of the content produced.

One significant concern is the risk of losing the personal touch that characterizes compelling content. Despite its advances, AI still struggles to capture the nuances of human emotion and the depth that comes from personal experience and subjective insight. This gap can lead to content that, while technically accurate, feels hollow or disconnected from the audience’s needs and emotions.

Another critical challenge is ensuring factual accuracy. AI algorithms generate content based on vast datasets containing outdated, biased, or incorrect information. The responsibility thus falls on content creators to rigorously fact-check AI-generated content. This step is indispensable but often overlooked in the rush to capitalize on AI’s efficiency.

Moreover, the potential for generic content is a trap many fall into. The ease of generating content with AI can lead to a homogenization of voice and perspective, making it harder for brands and creators to stand out in a crowded digital landscape. Maintaining a unique voice and ensuring content diversity becomes a deliberate effort in the context of AI-assisted writing.

Critical Considerations For AI-Assisted Content Writing

As we navigate AI’s promising yet precarious landscape in content creation, several critical considerations emerge. Each requires thoughtful attention to harness AI’s power without falling prey to its limitations.

a. Ethical Considerations

The advent of AI in content creation raises important ethical questions. Plagiarism and content originality are prime concerns. AI can easily remix existing content to create something that appears new but lacks originality. Ensuring that AI-generated content is not merely regurgitating existing information but offering new insights or perspectives is paramount.

Furthermore, the ethical use of AI in content creation involves transparency about the role of AI in the content production process. Disclosing the use of AI, where applicable, fosters trust with the audience and upholds the integrity of the content creation profession.

b. Fact-checking and Accuracy

In a world awash with information, content accuracy is more important than ever. AI-generated content must be subjected to rigorous fact-checking processes to ensure it meets the highest standards of accuracy and reliability. Content creators can/should employ a combination of tools and manual verification processes to sift through AI-generated content, correcting errors and validating information against reputable sources.

c. Plagiarism and Originality

AI’s ability to digest and reproduce information at scale raises valid concerns about plagiarism and the dilution of content originality. Utilizing plagiarism detection tools becomes an essential step in the content creation workflow, ensuring that AI-generated content is not only unique in its construction but also in its contribution to the subject matter.

d. Editing and Proofreading

The role of human oversight in refining AI-generated content cannot be overstated. Editing and proofreading are critical stages where the human touch brings AI-generated drafts to life, infusing them with depth, clarity, and engagement that resonates with readers. This process involves not just correcting errors but also ensuring that the content aligns with the brand’s voice, tone, and objectives. This balance is critical for digital marketers aiming to enhance online visibility without compromising the quality of engagement with their audience.

SEO Optimization and Semantic SEO

In the realm of content marketing, SEO is not just a buzzword; it’s a pivotal strategy for ensuring your content reaches its intended audience. AI has transformed SEO from a game of keyword density to a sophisticated art of understanding searcher intent and creating content that resonates on a deeper level. This is where semantic SEO comes into play, emphasizing the context and intent behind search queries rather than just matching keywords.

Leveraging AI for SEO goes beyond incorporating relevant keywords into your content. It involves using AI tools to analyze search trends, understand language nuances, and predict what information the audience seeks. This predictive capability allows content creators to craft pieces that answer questions users haven’t explicitly asked but are implicitly seeking answers to. Such content ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and provides a richer, more satisfying user experience.

Furthermore, AI can help identify gaps in existing content, suggesting areas for improvement or new topics that could address unmet needs within your audience. This proactive approach to content creation ensures your strategy remains dynamic and responsive to changing search behaviors.

Audience Engagement and Brand Voice

While SEO is crucial for getting your content seen, the ultimate goal is to engage and resonate with your audience. AI-generated content must align with your brand voice and meet your audience’s expectations to foster genuine connections. This is where the nuanced understanding of your brand’s identity and audience’s preferences becomes invaluable.

AI can help tailor content to different segments of your audience, personalizing messages to resonate on a more individual level. However, the essence of your brand voice should remain consistent across all content, ensuring a coherent and recognizable identity. Content creators must meticulously review AI-generated content, tweaking and fine-tuning it to align with the brand’s voice and ethos (or at least Prompt it to).

Strategies to maintain engagement include incorporating storytelling elements, using relatable examples, and addressing the reader’s pain points directly. These techniques make the content more relatable and memorable, encouraging readers to return for more insightful pieces.

Future of AI in Content Writing

The landscape of AI in content writing is ever-evolving, with new advancements and applications emerging at a rapid pace. Staying abreast of these changes and understanding how they can enhance your content strategy is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.

Emerging trends in AI content creation include using natural language generation (NLG) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies to create more nuanced and contextually relevant content.

Additionally, advancements in machine learning are making AI tools even better at understanding user intent, enabling the creation of content that more effectively meets the specific needs of different audience segments.

Preparing for the future of AI in content writing involves a commitment to continuous learning and experimentation. Embracing new technologies, testing their capabilities, and integrating them into your content creation process can help ensure your content remains relevant, engaging, and impactful.

Things to Consider When Writing Content With AI
Photo by mrjoni on Freepik


As we wrap up, it’s clear that AI offers tremendous potential to revolutionize content creation. Even so, this journey comes with challenges and considerations, from ethical concerns to the importance of maintaining a human touch in AI-generated content.

Key takeaways include the need for rigorous fact-checking, the importance of plagiarism checks to ensure originality, and the critical role of human oversight in editing and refining AI-generated content.

Additionally, optimizing content for SEO and maintaining audience engagement are paramount for the success of AI-assisted content strategies.

As content creators and digital marketers, embracing AI with awareness and strategic oversight can open new avenues for innovation and connection with our audience.

The future of content writing with AI is not just about embracing new technologies but also about understanding and navigating the complexities they introduce. With a thoughtful and informed approach, we can harness the power of AI to create content that is not only visible but also valuable and engaging to our audience.

Set an example for others by embodying the change you want to see. It’s always a pleasure, and I’ll catch up with you at the next one.



Furkan Özkaya

Self-made SEO & Content Expert. Sharing tips & insights to drive growth, engagement, and online success. Let's dominate the digital world together!🌐✨