NFT Shares By Renting NFTs

We will set a value in USD for 70% of the mining revenue of GGCM, and divide it into a certain number of shares. These shares will be represented as rental-NFTs.

2 min readMay 15, 2022

GGCM wants you to get the most out of this mining-cryptocurrency relationship, therefore we’re going another step forward.

How it will work?

Each NFT will be rented & will represent mining shares of GGCM and will have pricing in USD.

Rent Periods: There will be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 36 month-long rental options for your NFTs.

The Process: Through smart contracts.

The user will keep the GGCM equivalent to the NFT rental cost on our platform locked in their wallet. During the rental duration of NFT, the user will continue to get profit from the pool, which accounts for 70% of GGCM’s mining profits, in accordance to the NFT/NFTs in their ownership.

When the rent period ends, the user can either prolong it by performing a new rental transaction or remove the lock on their wallet to get their GGCM tokens back.

📌 Important Note

A rental service fee will be charged to the user at the end of the lock period. Depending on the rental period, this cost may vary. The lower the service fee, the longer the rental time. The team will burn the GGCM tokens that were collected from the user.

Example Case

Let’s say 70% of the mining revenue is 100 dollars. We’ll divide this number by 10 and create 10-dollar shares. (10 NFTs) Each NFT will be worth 10 dollars and there will be a corresponding value of GGCM at that time.

Assume that each GGCM is worth 1 dollar at that time. You will LOCK 10 GGCM in your wallet on the GGCM platform to rent 1 NFT!

📌 Important Note

Please also note that there will be service fees for renting. It will vary depending on how long you want to rent the NFTs. Therefore we can say that, for the below example, the rent for 1 NFT costs 10 GGCM + service fees.

Profit Deposit

The users can obtain the profit from the pool in GGCM token, USDT or physical gold.

Read other blog posts here.

Read more about GGCM Token here.

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A new investment channel enabling everyone to invest in mining projects while benefiting from the growth of the crypto market & mining sector.