OLIVER MARCH — Right Reward

Grace Katherine
4 min readJan 21, 2023


Part one — here. I promise, I am writing my own book and doing other things. This is not the only thing I think about. I was just finishing up my reread this morning, and chapter 147, Right Reward, holds a lot for my theory.

(I really need a board)

I don’t know if Eph and Soph are just playing me at this point, or if I’m actually right. At the moment, I’m at least 97.72% sure that it’s him.

For context if you need it, this is very recent. Lauren has just solved Greene’s murder and uncovered the Phantom Scythe’s main arsenal. The takeover of Devil’s Den (the mine) was an easy success. The weapons and nitro were there and not a Phantom in sight.

The Phantoms abandoned the mine. They must have known about the notebook, which was found just two days prior by Lauren, Will, and March. Lauren herself says that only a handful of people knew about it. Kieran even puts forth the suspicion that Hermann or March could be involved, but Lauren brushes it aside.

She’s completely blind to the idea, like Hecate said.

The next chapter, 147, Lauren is sitting in Hermann’s office when March joins her. They start talking about all the things Lauren and the APD have accomplished in the last couple of days.

Chapter 147 — Right Reward * All credits to Eph and Soph

(If you don’t already know, the red font means he’s lying)

Why wouldn’t March believe that finding a major arsenal of the Phantom Scythe is good news? Three other times, right in a row, he lies in saying that it’s all “good news”.

Of course, it’s great news, as long as one’s loyalties don’t align with the Phantom Scythe.

So, Lauren has tensed up at this point. March has blatantly lied four times in a row. (I really want to like him, but he’s so suspicious now) She starts to subtly interrogate him, casually mentioning Greene’s murder, how the people can at least know it wasn’t the court, but the Phantom Scythe.

(Because up until this point, the people have been rioting against the government, believing them to have murdered Greene for speaking out against them)

The bold font is killing me.

They get off on the topic of Snapdragon (the group who was massacred in Orion and Son’s). He alludes to his suspicion in the government’s involvement in their mysterious end and says he would genuinely support them (if they were around today). (I like parentheses).

Lauren asks him if he was involved, but he doesn’t really give her an answer. “Well, I’m here today, aren’t I?”

Oh my gosh! I’m literally reading the chapter as I’m writing this.

Lauren mentions that her parents might have supported them too, she tells him about the pamphlet, and he replies, “Your parents always had a strong sense of justice, of what’s right and wrong.”

Excuse me sir, what are you doing with those red letters?

Like Lauren’s parents might possibly have disapproved of a certain bombing that introduced the decade-long reign of the Phantom Scythe?

Lauren moves on by asking saying she’s wondered if they (the APD) are always in the right. How the protests, and even some of the Phantom Scythe’s claims aren’t lacking a foundation.

She asks him what he thinks, and stupid Hermann just had to come in and interrupt everything.

I swear, every story arc that goes by, March just gets more and more suspicious.

Here’s something I said in one of my first posts, about a the plot twist of the MHA’s UA Traitor and the characters people expected, versus the one the got.

Don’t worry, no spoilers for MHA here, but here’s the post in case you don’t care.

“I feel like the main reason for the first three, since they’re all such fan favorites, would be shock value. A plot twist riding almost completely on shock would fade over time and never live up to its potential.

Meanwhile, while I and many others love (minor character), she’s just not enough of a main character for us to feel enough shock. Shock value should not be your main reason, but it’s still a useful tool. They could have done something interesting with villain (minor character), but I’m kind of glad they didn’t.

But with (the mole), he’s enough of a main character and a fan favorite, giving just enough shock without riding on it too much.”

I really don’t think the mole for PS would be one of our main, beloved characters, like Dakan or Tristan, or our most hated, like Hermann, the queen, or Will’s dad.

March is just enough of an ‘in the spotlight’ character as he is a ‘side character’. Just enough, not too loved, but well liked.

Ugh it’s perfect. I’m gonna be really embarrassed if I’m wrong.

(And now, here’s part four)



Grace Katherine

I’m a young woman, aspiring author, just looking for some practice.