The 16 Things Every Communications Plan Should Include

Gini Dietrich
10 min readNov 28, 2017

Working with a new client or organization is exciting!

They trust you to tell their story, to communicate with their audience (or help them build a new one), and help them succeed as an organization.

Usually you can’t wait! You want to jump right in and get to work.

But before you start looking for story ideas, planning events or designing infographics, you have to develop an often-overlooked part of public relations, your strategic plan.

Remember Hannibal Smith in “The A-Team?”

Do you remember the scene near the end of each show where he’d stand, looking out on yet another improbable victory with his trusty cigar in hand and say:

I love it when I throw a bunch of stuff against the wall and see what sticks!

No. Of course not.

His memorable quote is:

I love it when a plan comes together.

Because without a plan, Hannibal would be looking at the rubble around his feet crying, “Why?????”

We want to keep you from being in that position.

What a Good Communications Plan Includes

Whether you’re working for an agency, a nonprofit, or a company, you need a solid plan.

A good communications plan helps you set expectations early during a campaign.

It defines success for your client, and better protects you from unrealistic — or out-of-scope — demands.

This video will help you develop your strategy chops and show you how to set goals and objectives.

It shows you how you can reach those objectives in a measurable way, with a solid strategy and tactics.

It focuses on the “Four-Step Process” and Management by Objectives, two important ideas to help you develop strategies that make sense for you and your clients.

One of the great things about planning is that different people have different ways of developing plans.

Almost none of them are ever completely wrong; they just match the philosophy of the person creating it.

While the video is about three years old and hasn’t been updated in that time, the information Benson Hendrix provides is still very valid.

The 16 Things Your Communications Plan Should Include

He talks about how almost nearly every communicator prefers to jump right to tactics and we forget about the research and plan phase of what we do.

While it’s certainly not as exciting as tactics, we should not do anything without it.

Can you imagine being in a new city and having to find your way to a meeting without GPS, your phone, or a good old fashioned map?

That’s what it’s like when we try to run a communications program without a plan.

We’re trying to drive somewhere without having any idea where we’re going.

If you dread annual planning — or really have no idea where to start — I have something that will help!

Following are 16 things every communications plan should have that will drive all marketing, business development, growth, and results.

Money, money, money, mooooney!

A Process

The most important of your communications plan is to have a process.

If you just stick some goals up on a white board and call it a day, it won’t work.

However, if you have a process and it’s implemented well, it will force you to confront challenges and contradictions that could trip future growth.

It needs to be developed with colleagues who feel comfortable being brutally honest.

The reason creating a communications plan is harder than it seems that we often see what should be rather than what is.

If you have colleagues who aren’t on the client team or not in the communications or marketing department, use them.

They’ll have ideas that transcend your world.

The Objective

If you want your communications plan to drive real business results, the objective will always be to increase conversions.

This is where you’ll state how many new customers you need by size, industry, and marketing needs. You also can describe here how much growth can come from existing customers.

After all, it’s far easier to grow existing customers than it is to obtain new.

You also should say how much the increase should be and make it realistic enough that you can actually achieve it.

For instance, don’t say you want to add $10MM next year if you added only $1MM this year.


For some reason, goals are really difficult for communicators.

When I worked at Fleishman-Hillard, I got so tired of people asking me what a goal should include, I wrote a list of active words and posted it on my wall.

It included words for goals and for strategies.

Today, that seems kind of silly, but it worked and it taught people how to build goals, just by looking at my wall.

The goals should be no more than five (ideally only three) and should be actionable.

For instance, how will you reach your objective of increasing your conversions?

You have to have goals that work backwards from there:

If you don’t yet have the numbers you need to include in your goals, you can set benchmarks.

For instance, I would craft a 60- or 75-day plan to set benchmarks and then go back and create the goals.


Your strategy is what helps you achieve your objective.

If your objective is to build and enhance your reputation to attract more clients in your target market, then your strategy has to be a sentence or two that describes how you’ll do that.

This is the vision of your communications plan.

What does success look like a year from now?

Really think about what you will have accomplished by the end — it could be three months, six months, a year, or five years.

When I work with new college graduates on strategy, I ask them to envision their wedding day (most of them are women, after all).

I have them tell me what it looks like — from the music and the flowers to the food and the dress.

That is the strategy.

From there, they can work backwards to define a plan that helps them achieve their perfect wedding day.

It works for a communications plan, too.

Imagine what the client or CEO is saying to you, after a successful year. Write that down.

The Plan

Now it’s time to start building your communications plan.

You will need to get information from your client or your executive team to fill some of this in.

They may delay getting you the information — or won’t provide it at all.

Fight for it.

You cannot affect change in the organization unless you know where the business is going and how you can help it get there.

If some of the following information does not yet exist, force a two-day strategic planning session.

We will not work with a new client without that session — and we require every member of the executive team to sit in it.

It is painful for some — and I once had a client CEO walk out because he didn’t want to discuss growth in front of his team — but it create a communications plan worth it’s weight in gold.

Executive Summary

This one is easy!

Create a one-page recap of everything in your plan.

It should sit on your desk so you can review it daily.

It should include:

  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Core values
  • FY 2018 business goals
  • Differentiators
  • Key messages
  • List of 2018 communications tactics
  • Any issues or challenges that came up in the initial planning meetings that you haven’t yet solved
  • A list of things you would like to do, if resources open up (but are not part of the main plan)

Key Challenges

During the meeting where you bring together colleagues from other departments, you will create a list of challenges you’re facing.

These could be anything from a lazy sales person to a commoditized business.

Create a description of the products or services you want to market in 2018 and what challenges you might face in doing so.

For instance, we have productized our intellectual property and one of our challenges includes communicators who don’t have budget control.

(Which means they can’t spend money on professional development.)

Or perhaps a competitor has more experience in an industry you want to enter.

Or your organization doesn’t yet have the history a prospect would want.

List every challenge you can foresee.

Situation Analysis

The situation analysis, then, is an Identification of key industry status metrics.

We have a client who does this quarterly.

He includes what’s going on economically, from a global perspective, as well as industry metrics.

Your situation analysis should include your overall goals and focus, your culture, your perceived strengths and weaknesses, and your market share position.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis in your communications plan could also be a brand persona creation.

Who are the three or four customer types you want to attract.

How many customers do you want to have by the end of 2018?

What are the values of your targeted customers?

Include an overview of the decision process those prospects use to hire an organization like yours (or your client’s).

Competitor Analysis

And now it’s time to do a customer analysis.

It should look at your own marketing position, along with the market positions of your closest competitors.

I would also include the domain authority of all of your competitors and a look at where they rank for your priority keywords.

Moz and SEMRush will both let you do this automatically, if you have $99/month to spend.

If you don’t, you can do it manually. Then update it monthly.

It won’t take you very long. It’s just a spreadsheet and a Google search.

Include any weaknesses that could curtail your efforts to compete effectively.

Implementation Summary

Your implementation summary is an analysis of how you will use the above information to achieve your goals.

This should be as specific as possible to allow for accountability.

Who needs to do what, and on what timeline?

Do you need help from other departments (the answer is yes) or will you work in a silo (the answer is no)?

Write down a summary of the big things — product launches, events, speaking engagements, board meetings — and who will need to help.

Positioning Statements

This could also be called key messages, if you prefer.

It’s the language you will use in your marketing materials to differentiate you from competitors.

It should highlight our key service mission and qualitative skillsets.

Cost Strategy

It seems odd to add a cost strategy in your communications plan, but it’s important to look at the overall business.

In this case, cost could definitely affect your ability to deliver results.

Include an overview of the organization’s pricing structure, relative to that of the competitors and averages for size of company, industry, and region.

The more you can claim deep expertise, the more you can charge.

In a PR agency, for instance, crisis communications experts do well here because they get paid based on their expertise.

Once you have this complete, you should consider posting pricing on your website.

It can stay internal, but it’s worth the conversation.

The PESO Model

Now you are finally at tactics.

This is where most communicators start — but you can see how much you should do before you get here.

This is where you’ll include the fun stuff, such as create a new media room using the fancy and updated PitchEngine.

Or build a cranberry bog in Times Square (which we actually did).

Go wild here — all of your tactics will work and be measurable because of all of the work you’ve done to this point.

This should include tactics that fit within a PESO model, are integrated, and are measurable.

It should include a detailed delineation of who on your team will implement specific elements of the plan, and a timeline.

Changing Market Analysis

Forecast anticipated changes in the fiscal landscape of your target industries in the next three to five years.

How will these changes affect you?

For instance, no one could have predicted the Polar Vortex of a few years ago would bring business to a screeching halt.

Or that #alternativefacts and fake news would permeate business this year.

Or that a global economic crash would put people out of business.

(Well, economists did predict that, but no one listened).

The point is, you have to be prepared for the outside forces that will affect your communications plan, even if you can’t predict the specific instances.


And last, but certainly not least, you must include metrics.

If you did your work upfront correctly, you already have your metrics.

Scroll back up to the Goals section. See those XXs? Those should be actual numbers.

And those numbers become your metrics.

If you need help building this part of your communications plan, Spin Sucks has plenty on the topic here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Make sure you follow the SMART structure when creating your communications plan: are they specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound?

Get Your Communications Plan Written!

This is not an easy assignment, but the time is right.

If you don’t already have many of these things written down and in stone, it may take you several weeks of brainstorming and testing to get it right.

You have enough time to get it done between now and the end of the year.

Work with colleagues in other departments.

Force a strategy session with the executives.

Access the organization’s analytics and any other data you can get your hands on.

And then get to work.

You’ll be happy you did!

Originally published at

If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to check out our blog Spin Sucks! You will find endless articles on professional development for PR and marketing pros. You’ll also find Spin Sucks — the book — which explains how to communicate honestly, responsibly, openly, and authentically…and truly earn the trust of your customers, stakeholders, investors, and communities.



Gini Dietrich

CEO Arment Dietrich. Author @spinsucks, blog and book. Co-author Marketing in the Round. Speaker. Avid cyclist. A foodie. Loves shoes & wine.