Get up to speed with UX & Product Design — Essential Readings

Giovanni Luperti
2 min readJan 1, 2016


Illustration from ‘Darth Vader and Son’ by Jeffery Brown

I’ve put together this list of links and resources to help the junior members of my team at Qubit to get a better understanding of the design discipline applied to product software development.

The aim of this was to collect relevant materials to help them gain new skills and learn new methods to perform their best overtime (and at the same time gathering in one place some of the stuff I personally enjoyed reading).

As I often see online designers expressing curiosity about the discipline, and looking for some help, I hope this could be a starting point for them too.


Mental Models by Indi Young

Web Form Design by Luke Wroblewski

Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud

Priceless: Hidden Psychology by William Poundstone

Product Design for the Web by Randy J. Hunt

Web for Everyone: Designing Accessible Experiences

The User Experience Team of One by Leah Buley

Evil by Design: Interaction Lead Temptation by Chris Noddern

Hooked by Nir Eyal

Cognitive Ergonomics: Human Computer Interaction by J. Long

Neuro Web Design by Susan Weinschenk

(Coming soon) Sprint Solve Problems by Jake Knapp

In addition to the above, it’s worth to have a look at the Rosenfeld Media website - a great UX book’s publisher.

Free E-Books from the Internet:

MailChimp on UX

Product Management by Intercom

Customer Engagement by Intercom

UX, Product and Visual Design library by UXPin

UsTwo on Pixel Perfection


Julie Zhuo from Facebook

Tobias van Schneider on Life and Product Design

Intercom on Design

Intercom on Product Strategy

InVision on Design

Facebook on Design

Google Venture on Design

Google Venture on Product Management


Designer News

Stack Exchange on UX

Interaction Design Association (IXDA)

Boxes and Arrows


UX Essentials

The UX Newsletter by MailChimp

Design and VC by John Maeda / KPCB


Sketch: Design UI components and UX wireframes

Zeplin: Collaboration with Developers

Marvel App: Rapid prototyping

Facebook Origami: Animated Prototyping


UX Methods and Deliverables

User On-boarding case studies

5 fresh Design links everyday

Design Sprint by Google Venture

Product Hunt

Awesome JS library

There is definitelly so much more out there, and the more you learn the more in-depth you want to go. But if you’ve any additional resources that would help us improve our process, get faster and better, please feel free to share giving me a shout on Twitter @giovanniluperti and I’ll add to the list.

Thank you!

