How Does GLBrain Coin Economy Work?

2 min readJan 30, 2020


Globra GLBrain coins aka GLB offer tons of features that create a dynamic token economy and a basis for sustained future demand for GLB and an expansion of its community.

The Process Explained

GLBrain will sell a maximum of 120,000,000 GLB into the market during the Presale and the IEO. After the end of the IEO, no more coins will be distributed for a period of 2 years. During these 2 years, users will be able to pay for GLB services on the online community management platform using their coins. Those that bought the coins during the GLBrain IEO will simply use them, while those that will not own any, will be able to buy on the exchange. Only GLB used to purchase services of GLBrain will be kept in circulation but always with their actual price. As per the demand, the raised funds will be invested into promoting the platform, which will cause the demand of its services to increase. The combination of a frozen supply and increase in demand will drive the price of the coin up.

A core feature of the Globra GLB coin is that it acts as a discounted payment for purchases of professional services offered on the GLBrain platform, such as professional profiles, additional mall space or advertising banners, for which the users can buy GLBrain’s professional services in exchange for GLB coins with a 20% advantage.

This main advantage of GLB however, is pegged to the IEO base price of GLBrain. This means that the GLBrain payment system for professional services recognizes 1 GLB as worth 0.10 € in the system (IEO price of 0.10 € — the 20% advantage). Every GLB can be used to buy 0.10 € worth of services on the GLBrain platform, even if the GLB was bought at a lower price in the pre-sale. Users are simply able to select the GLB payment option in the GLBrain system and send their coins from their wallets. This system allows no downside risk as all GLB can be always spent or resold to others to spend on GLBrain and full upside potential as the value grows to allow for more services to pay for with the same coin.

GLBrain is one of the most revolutionary projects in the blockchain technology industry. Its GLB will play a huge role in the online community management platform and you can buy these coins today itself at a 40% discount which is offered only during the presale period.




GLBrain is an online community management platform for digital marketing & communication services. It uses blockchain technology and offers absolute privacy.