It’s good news people.

Glen Robinson
2 min readAug 23, 2018


Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7

As well as the public Facebook group Beat It.

I’m fresh back from the oncologist and the results are in. No trace of caner found after my most recent treatment. Phewww....

It’s been 4 weeks since my last round of radio therapy which was needed to wipe out the trace of cancer cells found on my previous scan. I also had an ultra sound and the results from that are all clear, no foreign bodies found.

It’s been 13 long distracting months and it does really feel like a weight has been lifted off of me.

Going forward i’m going into monitoring mode. For now, I have to go back every 3 months. This is mostly due to my thyroxin levels that are still all over the place so my medication needs sorting, but that is simple to deal with and doesn’t really impact me day to day. I just have a bad day now and then, like most people to be honest.

Once we get that licked, I go into 6 monthly monitoring, for the rest of my life. A small price to pay to stay one step ahead of any potential future problems.

Very little to add to be honest. After everything that’s happened, I was relieved just to walk in, get the good news, and walk out again within 10 minutes. Pretty straight-forward.

As I write this it’s still sinking in, what can I say but a huge thank you to everyone over the last year for their kind words and support. I’ve been trying to acknowledge all of them, but every single message, small gesture, and just to know you’ve been thinking of me, has made a huge difference.

So what now…..?

Well. I have plans, I always do.

Next year, I’m, going to do something big, do it to raise money and do my best to help others in need, which will become a recurring theme in my life, I have no doubt. Planning has already started, so more on that some other time, but for now, enjoying a cheeky can of cider and having a mini celebration, celebrating life, and so should you all.



Glen Robinson

Adventurer, traveler, surfer, loving life, growing through constant experiences.