Akkadian Empire Collapse This May Be Happening Again Right Now

David DuByne
7 min readFeb 21, 2019


Looking back in history, starting off with the Sumerians, second down is the Akkadians with a noticeable 400 year run in their civilizations and in their empire, then we have the Babylonians and finally the Assyrians. Focusing on the Akkadian civilization, where have we seen that 400-year collapse cycle before globally? That is the duration and onset of the Grand Solar Minimum, between cycles.

A closer look at the stalagmites might solve the mystery of the fall of the Akkadian Empire. It turned out that this fall may have been caused by a widespread climatic event.

Akkadians had an established way of living in 2300 BC. Suddenly, in 1900 BC they were not able to defend themselves and suffered loss of food production, thus they were conquered by the Amorites.

interestingly the Akkadian fall came in cosmology and culture of the EnumaIElish.

There was only one story about Sargon from this entire era of history with the same iconography shown again and again. So the question is, why was there so little information about this time frame and civilization? Were climatic events so encompassing that it literally erased everything that was there?

It wasn’t just a single onset that happened 4,200 years ago, it began between 5,200 and 3,700 years ago. Researchers are pegging it at 4,500 to 4,200 years ago where drier conditions pervaded from the West.

I included the orange arrow so you can see the steep drop in global temperatures. When you look at the overall GISP2 Ice Core temperature data set over the last ten thousand years, we were far on the right.

It was warmer, several times in the past than it is today. This is why, for me, that CO2 argument doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny, especially when I look at charts like this.

The premise of the research was based on formation of stalagmites in ceilings of caves. These were formed due to the precipitation at the Earth’s surface seeping through, and just like tree rings they started to grow year after year century after century. When they looked through these slices of stalagmites, researchers noticed a steep drop-off in its continuous growth curve. This is the dry season which you’re seeing that they pegged back to this exact timeframe. Science meets ancient tales and myth.

Looking at how widespread it was, if this was to reoccur today, how much area will be affected by this dryness affect? If it would be a sudden onset as they said, continental periphery will be affected as well.

This onset of decreasing global temperatures, dust and dryness throughout amplified and persisted in Mesopotamia.

Iran was also affected as catastrophic droughts that lasted for a thousand years hitting the area. That has a huge difference compared to a major drought, cities are abandoned at this level.

A timeline of the collapse of these prior civilizations, the decline wasn’t actually at the apex of cooling, but it was the entry into and the onset of amplification in these same events. Just like we’re seeing right now with the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum intensification.

These events were not gradual, but a sudden onset.

Kilimanjaro Ice Core records also reported an indication of the same drop in precipitation. “Three periods of abrupt climate change were observed 8300 years ago, 5,200 years ago and then 4,000 years ago”. As for me, that was the same event 4,200 years ago. These events are occurring routinely through our recent past but nobody wants to talk about the fact that we’re entering into another abrupt climate change event due to the Grand Solar Minimum.

Notice the last sentence where it says, Kilimanjaro’s ice fields have decreased 80% and if the current trend continues they should be ice-free by 2015 to 2020. These are the experts, but snow pack is now increasing as of 2019, opposite of predictions.

We are now in 2019, and they still had an enormous amount of snow last year which was said to be the most snow that this area of Africa had in decades. That is an entirely different story, I did a video on this earlier which I linked at the end of the article so you can go right to it, The Glacier Studies Program.

Meanwhile, when you talk about abrupt climate change you’re looking at jet streams going out of flow due to a decreasing magnetosphere as solar output declines.

This is exactly what you’re going to expect, extreme heat and extreme cold on one side as jet streams compete to find new routes in the atmosphere.

This is why we are seeing this extreme cold and Arctic vortex pushing down through Cuba and down to the Caribbean. Also, heat that’s up in Canada is ridiculous, this should be 500 to 1000 miles further south latitude.

Jet streams are so mixed up that when you say it’s hot where you’re at, you’re not getting any winter at all and it’s really unusual, that is because you’re living the “GSM”.

Over to West Asia, let’s look through the Climate Information Today in central China there is this some cyclonic spinning. Taiwan is highlighted in yellow.

Cyclonic spin seen in HIMAWARI8 cloud layer maps. Even nullschool has wind looking unusual, sort of like an eye.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.

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Today’s Story Links ***

A stalagmite may have solved the mystery of the Akkadian Empire’s fall https://www.sott.net/article/403720-A-stalagmite-may-have-solved-the-mystery-of-the-Akkadian-Empires-fall

History of Cosmology in Western Civilization


Holocene https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/quaternary/holocene.php

Dust and social change in Mesopotamia




Precise timing of abrupt increase in dust activity in the Middle East coincident with 4.2 ka social change Iranian speleothems: Investigating Quaternary climate variability insemi-arid Western Asia



Kilimanjaro Ice Core Records: Evidence of Holocene Climate Change in Tropical Africa


Greatest Snowfall on Kilimanjaro Glaciers in Years



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David DuByne

ADAPT 2030 Channel Creator and Host of Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast covers changes in our climate due to a new intensifying Grand Solar Minimum.