Why All DFS Players Should Love Skill Protected Contests

Glen Herold
3 min readFeb 10, 2016


Skill protected contests give DFS players more of what they love — winning and entertainment.

At GOAT, one of the things we offer our users is the option to join “skill protected” DFS contests (tournament and cash) on DraftKings. We think that DFS players at all levels will find value in this, but I am sure there are players out there wondering:

“what are skill protected contests and why should I care about them?”

As a standard DFS player, you should care because you’re playing DFS to win money and to be entertained. Skill protected DFS contests will help you do more of both.

As a more experienced player, you should care because skill protected contests help create a healthy ecosystem that allows for the long-term growth of this great game.

First, a few things about the skill protected contests we facilitate at GOAT:

  • Initially, our contests will be run on DraftKings. We know most DFS players want to play on the big sites. We aren’t asking you to change that.
  • A current GOAT Score is the only thing you need to be eligible for our skill protected contests.
  • You’ll have the option to opt in to invites for each sport. If you don’t want to receive skill protected contest invites just tell us.

What are Skill Protected Contests?

Skill protected contests allow you to know and control who you compete against. In a skill protected contest, you’ll only compete against players at your skill level.

The GOAT Score, daily fantasy’s most powerful skill rating, will provide you peace of mind to know you’ve been properly matched with competitors at your level.

Skill protected contests empower DFS players, especially those that are not at the extreme upper levels of the game. We believe this will have a dramatic effect on the DFS player experience.

Why Skill Matched Contests?

In a skill matched contest, the following is true, on average:

The cash line will be lower; you don’t need to score as many points to win.

For Players

Listen, I know we’re a competitive dem0graphic who trusts in our own skills, but almost all DFS players would enjoy anything that helps them win more. This applies to players across most skill levels, but is especially true for newer players, casual players and players that enjoy tournament play.

GOAT skill protected contests provide a smart complement to the standard contest options on the big sites.

GOAT skill protected contests will help you:

  • win more
  • have more “sweats” (entertainment)
  • with bankroll management
  • learn the game without losing too much too quickly
  • refine your skill level over time
  • trust you’ve been matched accurately

For the DFS Industry

Given developments in recent months, everyone involved with DFS wants to see the industry develop a healthy ecosystem that allows for long-term growth.

At GOAT, we’d like to do our part. Our mission is to dramatically improve the DFS player experience.

We believe skill protected contests are a critical component of that mission.

We’d love to hear your feedback. Until then, thanks for letting us help you have more fun with DFS!

The GOAT Team


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Glen Herold

Premium content and tools for daily fantasy sports players