Your life purpose and why you can’t find it

Alida McDaniel
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2016


Let’s get one thing straight…your life up to this point has been rigged for failure, deceit, and illusion. The conditioning in your mind has been nothing short of brilliant in it’s capacity to keep you playing small.

Success for the shadow side…

The question you need to ask yourself is “Why do I still buy in to the bullshit that I am limited to what I see in front of me when I am an infinite being of consciousness, capable of creating reality?”

Yeah, I said it. INFINITE.

The reason you haven’t found your life purpose is because your purpose IS your life. How can you find something you’re already IN and already ARE? It’s not possible.

It’s like asking a fish if it’s wet or sand if it’s dry. There is no context with which to understand those statements and therefore being wet or dry has no meaning. Just as you BEING your purpose has no contrast to compare to.

Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.”- Alan Watts

Alan shows us that we cannot define ourselves without others to provide contrast. It’s as though we need the mirror and opposition effects to declare our identity and the community to determine our validation. If that’s the case, why can’t we simply SEE our purpose so that we have a direction of what to do and how to do it?

Simple. Humans are SO wrapped up in defining themselves according to what society wants, and how society will accept them that they have stopped being authentic and allowed mass consciousness to determine their fate. We as a whole have ceased concsious creation of life and begun “going with the flow” of the limits that society has deemed as “reality.”

As a coach, I work specifically with people who not only wish to ‘find’ their life purpose but to live it fully each and every day. The key to every situation lies in one’s ability to shun the status quo and allow for deep levels of self awareness to develop. In essence, one must be willing to unprogram everything they know about what’s real in order to create what feels best to them.

In this case, purpose become “finding oneself.”

From there, authentic expression develops and we find ourselves more open to growth, change, and establishing intuitive capablities when helping others. This allows us to better see how our contributions in our work, in our families, and in our communities really impact the lives of others.

That’s where purpose becomes, “what I can do for others.”

The next step is a process of deciding whether or not our current situation is either helping or hindering our ablities to serve others in the best way possible. We begin to reevaluate our life, our contributions, and our identity, and learn to say no to people, places and things that no longer serve us.

This is where purpose shifts to, “I must be the best I can be.”

Taking steps to reframe life, shut out the distractions and structure our activities according to our highest and best self, we notice people the people we have around us shift with ease and grace. Those who don’t align simply fall off and those who do align seem to manifest out of thin air. We develop a sense of internal knowing that authenticity IS the gift we give to the world and our presence tends to calm, inspire, and imact the lives of others with just being US.

This is where purpose IS “I am…”

If nothing more than this, take away the knowing that your purpose will develop over time.

It’s a process of growth and digging deep into evolving yourself despite your parents, family, and societal culture. Your life purpose cannot be found when you pretend to be someone that fits in rather than someone who IS who they need to be for optimal growth. When you truly desire the awareness of purpose, you can’t jump from zero to hero and expect ONE answer to be the end all, be all. You must be open to take the path of inner transformation that prepares you to receive each of the different levels of awakening.

If you skip one level, you won’t fully understand the next. Pejman Ghadimi highlights this best in his book Third Circle Theory.

Be open to growth, open to change, and open to conquer every bit of fear you have. Learn to use your emotions as a guide rather than as identity and you will find your life of self discovery and creation through universal laws BECOMES your purpose.

For more tips on how to live like a Unicorn, conquer fear, repattern your mind for success, and live your purpose, join my email newsletter here.



Alida McDaniel
Ascent Publication

Purveyor of quantum-level life hacks. Disciple of the great life. Transformational Life Coach. Designer of Eco-luxury fashion. Neuro-hacker.