Your ONLY duty in life is this…

Alida McDaniel
Ambassador For Goodness
4 min readJun 21, 2016


Have you ever stopped to wonder how a seed grows?

The last time I’d considered it was 6th grade when we grew lima beans in class. Instead of thinking about the seed itself, I thought “Wow, I can grow something inside of a plastic cup with a paper towel? How can I make it better?”

I spent some of the money I’d made from catering…yes, I had a job at that age…on the best paper towels on the market and attempted to grow my own seedlings at home.

Much to my dismay, because I was more focused on the comfort of the seed and the wow factor of it growing, the energy I projected into it made it a dud.

Yes, I take full blame.

The seed knew what it needed to grow. I, on the other hand, knew only that I suffered from scarcity. Growing up, we didn’t have money for the “finer” things in life so many of our purchases were based on need rather than luxury. My approach to making the seed comfortable, and showing off to the class that I bought the most expensive paper towels to care for my seed, was more important than understanding what the seed itself needed from me to grow.

I never gave it much thought, chocked it up to some seeds being duds, and went about my life.

Years later, I found myself in Australia hiking alone on a trail in a National Forest. I’d been taking some pretty powerful consciousness trainings and learning to communicate with the energy of the Earth, inanimate objects, and Higher Selves, so my senses were extremely heightened. I communicated with the sea turtles and my own Higher Self during the walk and the heat was starting to take its toll on me.

I pushed through to hurry back to our condo when I passed a tree with a very distinct knob sticking out of it. It said, “Come and chat with me.” Ha! I was in a hurry, sun was beating down on me and my attention span for this experience had reached its end.

“Alida! Come and talk with me!!!!” Okay…fine…I’ll talk with you.

It guided me to place my hand on the knobby portion and close my eyes. What it showed me was the beautiful process of how seed goes to tree. It gifted me with an awareness of fearless growth. No room for question as to whether or not it should push through adversity (aka top soil and rocks) or whether or not to seek permission to grow…it just GREW.

It said to me, “Alida, why do you continue to seek approval and validation in your choices? Why do you still wait for permission to grow? Be like the tree and just do what you came here to do…grow.”

That moment was a solid reminder that life is WAY less complicated than we make it out to be. As Abraham says, “The GPS will not ask us why we are not still hurt from what we did as a child or refuse to guide us to our destination simply because we are unworthy of going there…or even tell us that we can’t get to ‘there’ from ‘here.’ It simply gives us instructions on getting from A to B and nudges us when we get off track.”

This is how life is…we have a very simple, very powerful programming that has the potential to guide us through life. WE have mucked it up with emotional charges, unreasonable associations, logic based on communal thought, and limited beliefs. Life is complex because WE make it so.

What if we were more like the tree and our emotions were like the GPS?

We would:

1- Fear less and BE more (no time wasted overanalyzing the decision TO grow)

2- Allow ourselves to grow and do the same for others (be a tree among trees working in harmony as a part of the ecosystem)

3- Become what we were meant to become without resistance (seed becomes a sprout and then a tree…boom)

4- Decide with confidence on our directions, course of action and priorities (roots grow where, how, and when they need for maximum growth potential)

5- Use emotions as a tool for guidance rather than identity (growing toward the light)

6- Spreading wisdom to others (seeding the ground with new growth)

You sole purpose in life IS growth. However you do that is up to you. You, as a spiritual being having a human experience, came here to create reality through growth. Instead of resisting and avoiding it, try embracing it and you’ll immediately find flow. Fear of failure, judgement, and overwhelm, will conquer you if you let it.

Don’t let it.

Check out my simple strategy for conquering fear here.



Alida McDaniel
Ambassador For Goodness

Purveyor of quantum-level life hacks. Disciple of the great life. Transformational Life Coach. Designer of Eco-luxury fashion. Neuro-hacker.