It’s Not Too Late: How a Bipartisan Republican Can Stop Trump

Mark Goldenson
6 min readDec 5, 2016



Supporting an alternate, bipartisan Republican, such as Ohio Gov. John Kasich, is the most viable way to stop a Trump presidency. Call for Republican electors to vote for a candidate like Kasich, join the Hamilton Electors, and ask friends to do the same. We must put country over politics.

Stopping Trump Requires Uniting

If you are worried about a Donald Trump presidency, it can be stopped.

The Electoral College meets on December 19 where it will select our next President. Almost five million Americans have signed a petition asking Republican electors to elect Hillary Clinton.

Please hear that this is not going to happen. Electors are party loyalists. Clinton is the second most polarizing politician in America. Not one Republican elector has committed to Clinton, let alone the necessary thirty-seven.

But there is still a way to stop Trump: an alternate, competent, bipartisan Republican candidate. Electors need someone to vote for, not just against. The Hamilton Electors is pursuing this approach.

An Unhappy Marriage

Disgust and mistrust of Trump run deep among Republicans. These are quotes from Republican leaders:

“He’s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. He doesn’t represent my party.” — Republican Senator Lindsay Graham

“I don’t think this guy has any more core principles than a Kardashian marriage.” — Republican Senator Ben Sasse

“This is not conservatism.” — Republican Speaker Paul Ryan, on Trump’s Muslim ban

“Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University.” — Mitt Romney, 2012 Republican presidential nominee

These sentiments did not magically disappear on November 9. Republicans are publicly appeasing Trump while privately planning how to contain, resist, and possibly eject him.

A true conservative may draw Republican electors and swing the Electoral College.

The Candidates

Trump can only be stopped in the Electoral College by an alternate candidate. A candidate must be appealing to Republican loyalists while moderate enough for bipartisan support in a contested House election (more on that below).

A candidate must also counter Trump’s glaring deficiencies — competence, knowledge, and temperament — while retaining some of his popularity. At least three candidates have potential: John Kasich, William McRaven, and Mike Bloomberg.

John Kasich, William McRaven, Mike Bloomberg

John Kasich is the current governor of Ohio. He is one of the most popular governors, beat Trump in the Ohio primary, and wrote in John McCain for President.

His positions are center-right: he is pro-life, supports gun rights, and advocates free trade while accepting climate change and marriage equality. Kasich is practiced in bipartisanship from leading the second largest swing state.

Kasich recently called for electors to not vote for him but we have reason to believe that he would step forward if there was enough public support.

William McRaven is a four-star Navy Admiral who led joint command of U.S. Special Operations, including the Navy Seal Team that took out Osama Bin Laden. He is now the Chancellor of the University of Texas System, which has over 200,000 students and a $36 billion endowment.

McRaven would be an unconventional choice for a change-oriented election. His military and educational accomplishments could have broad appeal. Watch his popular 2014 Commencement speech to the University of Texas here.

Mike Bloomberg is the three-term independent mayor of New York and a billionaire entrepreneur. He is generally liberal on social issues and conservative on the economy. He has never accepted campaign donations and given over $4 billion to charities and candidates from both parties.

He was planning an independent presidential run — this is a sample TV ad — but stopped when he thought it would elect Trump. Hardline conservatives may be uncomfortable with Bloomberg but Republican leaders may see him as a pragmatist who will work with them on issues like jobs, entitlements, tax reform, drug policy, and charter schools.

The Steps to Defeating Trump

First, it’s critical to recognize that electors are nominated by state parties, not Trump or the national party. The Republican primary results hint where electors could be open to another candidate.

2016 Republican Primary Results by State

The initial step is for Democratic and #NeverTrump groups to focus on promoting a bipartisan Republican president. This will be challenging for Democrats but they must recognize that Clinton is not going to win.

Voicing national support for alternate candidates will empower them to step forward. They want to be seen as answering a call.

Once a candidate or two emerge, respectfully appeal to Republican electors. Do not yell at them as attacks cause most people to resist. Thoughtful approaches like candlelight vigils are better.

The geography of the ticket will also matter greatly. Kasich has strong loyalty from Ohio’s state party, which has 18 electors. John McCain and Paul Ryan have similar loyalty from Arizona and Wisconsin, which have 11 and 10 electors.

The remaining electors could be claimed from 8–10 swing states and elector-rich Texas, where Ted Cruz won and Trump’s support is lukewarm. A ticket that promises a prominent position to Cruz may seal the deal.

The Clinton campaign could also make the extraordinary move of publicly releasing all of its Democrat electors. This would bring international attention to alternate candidates and respect to Clinton for the sacrifice.

A Contested College

The electors meet in their respective state capitols to vote on December 19. If 37 Republican electors choose anyone other than Trump and no candidate reaches 270, a contingent election in the House decides the presidency.

Each state delegation gets one vote. Among the fifty delegations, 32 are Republican, 15 are Democrat, and 3 are mixed. Conversations with many House members indicate that a compelling Republican alternate would currently be favored to win.

Notably, John Kasich served 18 years in the House and built strong, bipartisan relationships. In a contingent election, Kasich likely has the best chance among all candidates to win, though others also have a chance.

Can This Really Happen?

It’s not only constitutional, it’s a politically viable way to represent the plurality of Americans who voted against Trump. His supporters create a base of strength but his historically low favorability ratings and constant controversies make him vulnerable.

Donald Trump supporters Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, and Ann Coulter

Most importantly, the support of those who decide Trump’s future— Republican electors — is not locked down.

Republican electors will not vote for Clinton but they may vote for a real conservative.

What You Can Do to Stop Trump

  1. Publicly support an alternate Republican president. Share this post on Facebook and Twitter. Link to the Hamilton Electors website. Host or attend a candlelight vigil for unity. Build awareness and convince influencers.

Recruiting supporters for an alternate Republican president is the best thing you can do to stop Trump.

2. Donate to Hamilton Electors. $1 million in funding will let it strengthen outreach to electors, handle press inquiries, and reach new supporters.

3. Contact electors and your state representatives to support a qualified Republican President. They need to hear your voice.

The biggest obstacle to stopping Trump is time. There are less than two weeks before the Electoral College. If you want to protect the country from a President Trump, you have to act now.

Credit: James Shive

Part 2 of this post addresses some questions and answers.

P.S. The first Republican elector — a 9/11 first responder firefighter — goes public with not voting for Trump. 36 to go, more to come. We can do this.



Mark Goldenson

Passionate about improving the world through science and technology. 3x founder, Group Product Manager at Google.