Algradigon-1 testnet results

Gregory Landua
4 min readMar 4, 2020


“It’s been a journey” Photo by Bailey Zindel on Unsplash

Journey of Algradigon-1 testnet
A total of 4 network upgrades were done between 23rd Jan to 7th Feb, all which were successful. The fastest upgrade taking just 91s for the chain to be back up and running. The longest upgrade being 26 minutes of downtime before the network upgraded to a new version. The chain halted for a total of only 58 mins during two weeks despite the 4 upgrades upgrades in such a short time, including an emergency upgrade to revert back simulated malicious code.

Shoutout to one of the validators Blockscope, who successfully identified the simulated malicious code that had been placed in the new upgrade binary by Joe from Chorus One. An emergency upgrade was executed to revert the chain back to original state, which was done on the very same day by awesome coordination of validators. More details about the full testnet post mortum are available in this blog.

It was a great journey to witness the validators being put to such extreme upgrade schedule and yet all upgrades were successful with very less network downtime and the third upgrade being instantaneous shows the preparedness of validators to ensure zero downtime of the network.

Points criteria
The points to each validator were distributed based on the design documented in our previous blog as follows:

  1. Genesis block validation: 100 points
  2. Participant in upgrade: Max of 150 points per upgrade
  • 1st upgrade: 150 points for missing zero blocks, subtracting 1 points for each block missed for the first 150 blocks
  • 2nd upgrade: subtract 2 points for each block missed up to 75 blocks
  • 3rd upgrade: 3 points subtracted for 50 blocks.
  • 4th upgrade: 5 points subtracted for each block for 30 blocks.

3. Uptime Reward: Max of 200 points
200 points for 100% uptime. 0 Points for 90% uptime. Linear score between 100% and 90% uptime, if validators have less than 90% uptime they will not qualify for rewards. Uptime will be calculated by totaling signed blocks.

Surprise bonus
As announced at the launch of algradigon, a special task was designed to check validators if they read & identify the issues present in the upgrade release.
It was the Blockscape validator, who raised the issue of malicious code being present in the binary used for “darien gap” upgrade and they have been awarded a bonus of 100 points. The issue raised can be found here

No more wait, here’re the results

The incentive program was ended on 12th Feb, 2020 at 1200UTC (Block height: 289270).

Congratulations to all the validators for taking part in this amazing testnet and we can’t thank enough for all your support.

And without further adieu….(drum roll please:)

Top 10

Here are the top 20 validators of algradigon-1 testnet.

Algradigon Leader Board

And more winners

Algradigon Leader Board

Full list of results for algradigon testnet are available here:

What’s coming next?

As suggested by community member Adriana from KalpaTech, we are solidifying a points to tokens conversion for the last two testnets, instead of holding out for a total points to tokens conversion. This scheme will be published before the next testnet launches (details below).

If you have questions or feedback please share in our DVD telegram channel.

The next phase of incentivized testnet will start soon, tentative start date is March 9th, 2020. Validators will be running a chain with smart-contract functionality using COSMWASM, archtected by Aaron Craelius and developed by Ethan Frey. Looking forward to have you all along in the next testnet. For an overview of the full testnet roadmap check out this blog

into the labyrinth of the cosmwasm we go! Photo by Susan Yin on Unsplash

Special thanks to AnilKumar Kammari from the vitwit team for the bulk of the work on this blog.



Gregory Landua

Gregory Landua dwells humbly at the intersection of ecology, economics and technology.