Having a capacity to see the future.

3 min readSep 2, 2016


Illustration credit to Eric https://dribbble.com/wbo904790025

You thought your intention and idea was incredibly obvious, but you know that in this world while things are 6 at the same time it is 9 too. It is not your fault, you are not alone.

In 1904, the Times asked a hot-air-balloon tycoon whether humans may fly someday. He answered:

I know, it is difficult when you are talking about something where nothing about it exists yet - When You Change the World and No One Notices

Yes, I’m not the only one thinking that there are very few people who have a capacity to see the future.

Since most humans have a much easier time undesrtanding what is, if you suggest that what they see is wrong, it’s very disconnecting and they hate it. because they are trying to understand their world and predict their future — thats’ the main function of cerebrum, to find the patterns and predict what is going to happen next — and insofar as they realize that the future to them is somewhat greym or even black, its’s scary. — James Currier, from Founders at Work.

Even more, “the truth about telling the truth is that it does not come easy for anyone. It’s not natural or organic. The natural thing to do is tell people what they want to hear. That’s what makes everybody feel good . . . at least for the moment. Telling the truth, on the other hand, is hard work and requires skill.” — How to tell the truth, Ben Horowitz

Some said that people see what they expect to see, or, “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anaïs Nin put it so meaningfully that the idea that our perception is as much a result of what we are able to know as of what we expect to find is not new.

My question to you is that — how to have a capacity to see the future and create a positive impact?

Howard Marks has said interesting words about investment and works great for our discussion too:

To achieve superior investment results, your insight into value has to be superior. Thus you must learn things others don’t, see things differently, or do a better job of analyzing them — ideally all three.


The downside is that the more you learn to see, the more you lose your “common eye, the eye you design for. Part of our job is to make the invisible visible, to clearly express what we see, feel and do. You can’t expect to sell what you can’t explain. — Learning to see

Yes, you have to constantly revise your understanding. Be open to new points of view, new information, new ideas, contradictions, and challenges to your way of thinking. There is a high risk that you will lose the eye you design for. Yes, you have to remember this during every kind of communication roadmap planning — people see what they expect to see.

Even more, we agree with the view that people want to be better versions of themselves, not actual things. What are you really selling here? One minute answer will make you rethink how to sell everything you plan to sell in your life.

and the final question for us for today:

So we as creators have a decision to make: do we want to be part of the 90% of noise out there, or do we want to be part of the 10% of signal? It’s quite simple really:

*Respect people and their time.

*Respect your craft.

*Be sincere.

*Create genuinely useful things. — Deathtobullshit




Lifelong challenge: wealth creation for people, with people by designing habit formatting digital products and lobby for experience transformations. #SaaS