The May Hole

A Spring Celebration That Didn’t Go As Planned

The Athenaeum


From a lekythos of the National Museum of Athens. Harrison 1996b

This is an interactive blog, but it doesn’t often seem that way because if you don’t inter, I don’t act.

You must know that the couch is a wonderful place. And now, with the wonders of technology, I can watch a Yankee game and read Medium at the same time while lying on my back. Just a decade ago, there was no Medium and to watch a Yankee game I had to sit up on the couch and look at the TV. Things were tougher then, but, then again, so were we.

I used to report on the May Day celebration here at the Mill. This year I skipped it, but just yesterday while I was playing the “spelling bee” game on the New York Times web site, our new summer intern, named Clarissa, came into the office and asked me if we should write up the events of May 1st.

“No,” I said.

“You’re not going to?” She asked, “Have you stopped writing or something? Are you pouting? Even this post seems stunted. You are four paragraphs into the introduction of a new intern and you haven’t yet described me physically. What’s up with that? You always describe the interns physcially.

“It leads to trouble,” I said. “All I’m going to tell our readers is that you are as different from me physically as a person can be.”



The Athenaeum

Tribune of Medium. Mayor Emeritus of LiveJournal. Third Pharaoh of the Elusive Order of St. John the Dwarf. I am to Medium what bratwurst is to food.