Sarah Goodman

Sarah Goodman

Health and Wellness

3 stories

A dramatic scene with Macbeth encountering the three witches amidst a dark, ominous landscape.
Sarah Goodman

Sarah Goodman

UX Advancements

5 stories

In this vibrant illustration, a man wearing a VR headset is standing in what looks like a hellscape. The ground is dry and cracked and factories loom beyond the horizon, belching out black and orange clouds of polluted smoke. Also visible in this image, however, is the projection of his VR world, which is pristine and futuristic, with clear skies, blue water, and sleek buildings. The symbolism is clear: while tech distracts us, our planet is in crisis.
Sarah Goodman

Sarah Goodman

Product managers

1 story

Sarah Goodman

Sarah Goodman


1 story

Sarah Goodman

Sarah Goodman

A UX Design Architect for 20 years, growing up and honing my skills in the most innovative companies. Gotta see the big picture to make it work for your users.