14 ways that good design builds trust with users

What it is, why it matters, how to do it

H Locke
10 min readFeb 4, 2021

I was recently asked for a view on ‘what builds or erodes trust’ in Experience Design. I’m going to break it down, but overall my response can be summed up as:

Design things properly and don’t be evil

What is trust?

I define trust in a UX context as follows: —

Trust is a user’s experience of your product or service, that leads them to believe that:

  • Your product/service/interface/experience can solve their current need
  • It will be as simple and easy as possible to use
  • They will not inadvertently do something they did not intend
  • They will not be deliberately tricked into doing something they did not intend
  • They will understand everything that happens through the journey and any outcomes
  • They will clearly consent to any data or financial transaction that occurs
  • They will experience some level of positive overall impression of having engaged with your brand, product or experience, such that they may wish to do so again.



H Locke

UX person. I design things and I study humans. 150+ articles on Medium — https://medium.com/@h_locke/lists