H Locke

H Locke

UX & Design Psychology

17 stories

A modal with the headline “delete”, body copy is “are you sure you want to delete the internet”, main CTA is “DELETE”
a slice of orange, half covered by white pills
H Locke

H Locke

UX career development

33 stories

H Locke

H Locke


No stories

H Locke

H Locke

Design Leadership

11 stories

a lighthouse
A stressed-looking office worker, holding their head in their hands.
H Locke

H Locke

Things on screens (UX/UI)

16 stories

A sign up form, with the primary CTA “sign up” and the secondary text link “please…?”
An abstracted graphic of accordion UI
Two icons representing progressive disclosure and gradual engagement with the text vs in the middle
H Locke

H Locke

UX Strategy

15 stories

a tower made of playing cards
H Locke

H Locke

Information architecture

11 stories

Two icons representing progressive disclosure and gradual engagement with the text vs in the middle
Example of a user flow, asking “do you want your product to make any sense?” — all paths lead to “document your IA”
H Locke

H Locke

UX Research

25 stories

A graphic of the word ‘findings’ with a connecting arrow to ‘themes’ and another connecting arrow to ‘insights’ from left to right
People talking in front of a laptop
H Locke

H Locke

UX Methodologies

24 stories

a slice of orange, half covered by white pills
a white arrow, pointing ahead, painted on a black road.
H Locke

H Locke

CX series

3 stories

a tiny model house with a key next to it
example of a customer journey map
H Locke

H Locke

Early career UX

28 stories

scrabble tiles showing the words “inhale exhale repeat”
H Locke

H Locke


5 stories

A painted heart
a sign showing directions to public bathroom facilities including accessible services
H Locke

H Locke

UX design skills

19 stories

hands cutting out shapes on paper. The shapes look like hand-drawn buttons for an app or website.
an icon of a person, with two thought bubbles each containing a question mark
H Locke

H Locke

UX person. I design things and I study humans. 150+ articles on Medium — https://medium.com/@h_locke/lists