The usability of UX documentation

One of the most important things I have learned in my career is the art of making documentation itself usable.

H Locke
6 min readMar 26, 2020


Image of a hand drawing wireframes

Why does this matter?

Ultimately people don’t buy things they don’t understand. Whether it’s a pitch or a design solution. None of your deliverables matter unless the intended audience finds them usable and understandable.

And this is even more critical, now that we are working more and more in a remote context, presenting down the internet rather than face-to-face or worse, slinging something over slack or email and hoping it lands as we intended.

You are not the user

Just like everything else we do as UX designers, deliverables have a user. The user is not you. Before creating any UX or project artifact therefore, it is essential consider who the audience is.

If the user cannot use your deliverables, then these are the potential consequences:

  • Designers or devs may not make your intended changes
  • Clients may not buy into your design solutions
  • Someone may change your work without understanding the implications
  • Clients may de-scope, de-prioritise your…



H Locke

UX person. I design things and I study humans. 150+ articles on Medium —