3 Effective DHT Blockers for Hair Loss

Haikal Dingle
5 min readOct 23, 2017


The use of DHT Blockers have been all the talk lately:

Hair loss is devastating. It makes your self-esteem drop to a new low. For years now, many hair loss sufferers have resorted to hair transplant in desperate attempt. Unfortunately, the results are far from promising.

When it’s all said and done, majority of hair loss sufferers never truly get to regrow their hair. Whilst everyone looking for the next best surgical treatment, many seem to look past the real root (pun intended) of their hair problem.

You see, many medical experts have pointed out that hair loss is usually due to hormonal and lifestyle factors. Meaning it has got to do with the things you do and go through on a daily basis!

Yes of course, while most cases of male pattern baldness are due to heredity, the number of hair loss cases in both men and women unrelated to genetics have been on a rapid rise. Not surprising for the stressful society that we live in.

So wait, what does our lifestyle have got to do with hair loss?

Dihydrotestosterone, otherwise known as DHT, is a hormone known to attack hair follicles and cause hair to thin and fall. It is now regarded as a leading factor to hair loss, aside from heredity issues.

DHT exists in men by default as it is responsible for the male reproductive traits. However, it too can exist in women and too much of it across both genders is a major culprit to hair loss.

So, where is all this Dihydrotestosterone coming from? It is coming from the negative lifestyle habits that you carry out everyday. This includes events like being stressful, sleep deprivation and excessive drinking.

It is no wonder that the search for a great DHT blocker have been massive! The best part is that almost every DHT blocker comes in a natural form. An important misconception to clear is that men should not aim to get rid of Dihydrotestosterone completely for the simple fact that it is crucial for certain sexual traits.

What we are trying to achieve with natural DHT blockers here is for a better regulation of this hormone. If all this have been making sense to you, let’s take a look at some effective examples to help you choose the right DHT blocker:

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is a very well known natural DHT blocker proven to slow down hair loss and reverse it completely. This is achieved by 2 important processes.

Saw palmetto brings down the level of Dihydrotestosterone by blocking out a certain enzyme known as 5 Alpha Reductase (5-AR). The 5-AR enzyme is a component that actually converts excessive testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone.

Secondly, Saw Palmetto as a DHT blocker, blocks out the receptor sites on cell membranes that are responsible for the absorption of this hormone. For men, Saw Palmetto is also used to keep the prostate healthy.

The usage of Saw Palmetto does not present any major side effects. However, taking the supplement on an empty stomach can cause a feeling of indigestion. This component also comes in either a variation of topical or internal DHT blocker.

Green tea

If you enjoy tea, you’re in for a treat:

Known for it’s powerful anti-oxidant properties, green tea helps prevent many major illnesses. This includes the prevention of cancer, heart diseases and high-cholesterol.

Coincidentally, green tea also contains Epigallocatechin Gallate, which blocks the production of Dihydrotestosterone. This makes it not just a delicious treat, but also an effective natural DHT blocker.

Soy Isoflavones

An extract from soy beans, Isoflavones works against hair loss from within the body. Typically consumed orally, Soy Isoflavones lower Dihydrotestosterone by regulating cholesterol levels. This is because high-cholesterol is responsible for the production of the 5-AR enzyme.

Apart from being a powerful DHT blocker, soy is also a great component for overall health. As a nutritional support, it contributes to bone maintenance, cardiovascular health and hormone regulation.

Women can also benefit from Soy Isoflavones as it protects from osteoporosis and can help women transit smoothly to post-menopausal phase.

Final Thoughts…

While DHT blockers sounds like the holy grail to coping with hair loss, one must not depend on it by itself. As mentioned from the start, the production of such anti-hair hormones roots back to various lifestyle habits. For as long as you continue to live a toxic life, hair loss is always bound to happen.

A good regime for your hair should include plenty of rest, a healthy diet, better control of stressful emotions and most of all, important hair minerals. These are stuff like protein, Biotin, Zinc and Vitamin B. Picking out a good DHT blocker should then be included to enhance complete control of your hair loss solution.

It is also good to note that hair loss happens through an accumulated period of time. Therefore, it is only fair to not expect miracles to happen overnight. Trichologists have also confirmed that a hair regrowth process can take up to 4 months and even more than a year.

Otherwise, DHT blockers definitely works wonders and should be a part of your repertoire towards thick and luscious hair.

Bonus: Here’s 5 of the best DHT Blocker to choose from.

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Haikal Dingle

Just a guy trying to figure out life. Blog writer for half a decade. I enjoy writing about health and social issues