Spring Boot: How Many Requests Can Spring Boot Handle Simultaneously?

Oliver Foster
5 min readJun 17, 2024

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Spring Boot is an essential framework in Java development, providing developers with efficient and user-friendly tools. Consequently, related interview questions are also significant.

Today, let’s examine a classic interview question: How many requests can Spring Boot handle simultaneously?

To be precise, the number of requests Spring Boot can handle simultaneously does not depend on the Spring Boot framework itself but on its embedded web container (since the web container’s behavior determines Spring Boot’s behavior, we can consider the answers to these two questions to be the same).

1. Three Main Web Containers

Currently, there are three main web containers in the market: Tomcat, Undertow, and Jetty.

Among these, Tomcat is the default web container for the Spring Boot framework.

Their differences are as follows:

1.1 Tomcat

Tomcat is an open-source project under the Apache Software Foundation and is one of the most widely used Servlet containers. It fully implements the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages…



Oliver Foster

Primarily proficient in the Java programming language, with a slight understanding of other programming languages!Enjoying the Fun of Programming!