Introducing wellyou programs- a guide to a happy and healthy life

Happy Nation
4 min readNov 24, 2021

In our previous articles, we introduced the CryptoKids NFT collection and opened the doors to our Discord community. We are more than excited about our project which aims to make people happier and create strong community bonds.

As we progress on our roadmap, we will create continuous value, and there will be exclusive benefits to holders of our NFTs. As part of the utilities, CryptoKids NFT holders will receive lifetime access to wellyou programs. In this article, we want to give you more information about what they are about.

Perks of being an NFT holder

It’s important for us that we make a difference — in the real world as well as in the NFT space. And with our project, we want to make sure that both dimensions are included. As a CryptoKids NFT holder, you will gain access to our science-based wellbeing programs, unique activities in the Happy Nation, be eligible to claim subsequent collections for free (from Q2, 2022), and have a say in the social impact that we will create.

You might be wondering why we offer lifetime access to our programs. The answer is quite simple. The entire idea of the CryptoKids NFT collection is to bring more good to society. Our collection brings awareness to the importance of having a happy childhood as it can shape a better and happier future. We want to make the world a happier place and create a social impact. And as an NFT holder, you will help us reach that goal. We are very grateful for those who join us on our journey and help us support social causes.

A science-based approach to boosting wellbeing

wellyou is here to guide you to take action towards happiness. We provide you with the tools, knowledge, and encouragement needed to create the happy life that you deserve! It is a holistic and science-based program created to increase your physical, mental, and social wellbeing. It’s what you need to live a content and balanced life — and most importantly, experience it! Our programs are based on science and research to ensure that they help you grow and flourish.

They are also intended to help you recognize that you’re the one that’s responsible for your own happiness. It motivates you to make your well-being the #1 priority. After you’ve completed the program, you will realize that you did so much good to your body and your mind. You will systematically work on making your imaginary backpack of to-dos lighter, and you will complete tasks that have been scientifically proven to increase your well-being and sometimes that of others!

Your guide to a happy and healthy life

We currently have three programs in store, and we can’t wait for you to explore them! We have a one-month, two-months, and three-month program, and we also envision a six-month plan (this is a little secret we are happy to share).

Taking part in our programs means going on an intense journey, and diving deeper into the topic of happiness, and taking a good, reflective look inside yourself. You will receive all the knowledge we have gathered in the course of our research about happiness in a concise and convenient way. This will not only help you change your body but also your mind.

You start this journey with a preparation week. During this week, you’ll receive all of the information on how to navigate our program. After you’ve completed your first week, you’ll receive a new snippet each week with a topic related to wellbeing. Whether auditory, visual, or textual, they invite you to think, feel or take action. This will also give you an insight into your physical, mental and social wellbeing and enrich your knowledge of each of the topics from the science of happiness.

All our programs are accessed through the user-friendly app designed specifically for that purpose. This is a space to track your success, to-dos, but also to team up with four other anonymous people that you will get to know throughout the program. Together, you will participate in weekly photo contests with your team members to train your eye to see the beauty in the world.

Tested, tried, and trusted!

We spent a long time researching and testing our programs, so it makes a positive and noticeable difference in your lives. In fact, our entire team and the founders themselves made all the journey to make sure that it delivers a life-changing experience. The process wasn’t easy, but we were full of passion and energy to make our programs complete.

We appreciate those who gave us a chance to be a part of their lives and put their faith in us. We’ve got your back and are rooting for you, always! We are delighted to get positive reviews and feedback from participants all over the globe. Our programs gave our users the necessary push to do what they really wanted, and a healthier perspective that motivated them to become happier beings.

We have supported other people to improve their well-being — we’d love to do that for you too!

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More about wellyou:

wellyou is a holistic program and real-life adventure game designed to increase peoples’ happiness & well-being — physically, mentally, socially — with science-based methods in an iOS app. Our mission is to help people become happier, healthier, and more compassionate human beings.



Happy Nation

Happy Nation is a place in real life & digital space to take care of your well-being, connect with like-minded people and spread kindness.