I Am So Miserable In My Marriage (My Marriage Makes Me Feel Dead Inside)

Harlow Kira
6 min readApr 1, 2024


Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

I get it. I really do. Marriage isn’t always the stuff of fairy tales. Sometimes, it feels more like a never-ending horror movie, and you’re stuck in a loop of misery, asking yourself, “Why am I so miserable in my marriage? Does it have to be this way?” Well, let me tell you, you’re not alone. So often, I hear from people who feel like their marriage is sucking the life out of them, turning their once-vibrant selves into mere shadows. If you’ve ever thought, “My marriage makes me feel dead inside,” know that I’ve been there too, and I want to share some thoughts with you.

Recently, I received an email from a woman named Nancy. She painted a vivid picture of her marriage, and it was like looking into a mirror for many who have felt the icy fingers of relationship despair creeping in.

Nancy described how her mornings began with the silent exchange of routine pleasantries, and how their evenings had turned into a symphony of TV flickers and distant, disconnected conversations. She spoke of a time when laughter echoed through the halls of their home, a time when each shared glance was filled with an unspoken promise of love and understanding.

Yet, as time wore on, that promise seemed to have crumbled into the ashes of what once was. The spontaneous dates became scheduled appointments on a shared calendar, and the intimacy that used to be the heartbeat of their relationship had given way to a dull thud. Nancy felt like an actor reciting lines in a play that had lost its magic, and she longed for the days when the script was written in stolen glances and stolen kisses.

She confessed that even the physical closeness felt like a distant memory. The warm hugs and lingering kisses had been replaced by the cool side of the bed, a metaphorical chasm that seemed to be growing wider with each passing day. Nancy’s email was a raw, unfiltered outpouring of a heart drowning in the silence of a marriage that had become a mere coexistence.

As I read her words, I couldn’t help but feel the weight of her despair. It’s a feeling that resonates with so many who find themselves in relationships that have lost their luster. Nancy’s email, however, took an unexpected turn. Amidst the heartbreaking details, she asked a question that lingered in the air like an unspoken challenge: “Is this all there is to marriage? I am so miserable in my marriage… What do I do now?”

If you find yourself in a similar situation, where the love that once fueled your days now seems like a distant memory, it’s crucial to understand that you’re not stuck. You have the power to breathe life back into your marriage and rediscover the joy that initially brought you together. So, let’s talk about what to do when your marriage makes you feel dead inside.

1. The Myth of Perfection

You know, there’s this prevailing notion that a successful marriage is synonymous with perfection. We see those carefully curated snapshots on social media, and suddenly, we’re convinced that our own partnerships should measure up. But let’s get real — perfection is a myth. Every marriage has its quirks, its flaws, and its moments of frustration.

So, rather than chasing an illusion, embrace the imperfections. Consider those endearing quirks that initially drew you to your partner. Sure, the toothpaste cap might be left off, and the laundry might not always make it into the basket. But what if we reframed these as the unique characteristics that make your partner who they are? It’s like appreciating the well-worn charm of your favorite old pair of jeans — a little frayed, but oh-so-comfortable.

2. Rediscover Your Shared Dreams

Remember the dreams you and your partner had when your love was young and unbridled? Life often has a knack for pushing those dreams aside in favor of responsibilities and routine. But what if you deliberately revisited those shared aspirations?

Sit down with your partner and engage in a conversation about the dreams you both had — the road trips, the small business ventures, or the cozy blanket forts. Rekindle that flame of shared ambition. The act of dreaming together can inject vitality back into a stagnant marriage. It’s akin to administering a much-needed adrenaline shot to a relationship that might have lost its pulse.

3. Communicate Like You Mean It

Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship, and yet, it’s a skill that often eludes many couples. In the midst of our hectic lives, we forget the power of words. A compliment, a heartfelt “I love you,” or a simple inquiry about each other’s day can work wonders.

But it’s not just about the words; it’s about the intention behind them. Too often, we assume our partners understand our feelings. Instead, express your love and appreciation regularly. Picture this: you come home after a challenging day, and your partner looks you in the eyes and says, “I appreciate you. I see how hard you’re working, and I’m proud of you.” That acknowledgment can transform a dull evening into a moment of genuine connection.

4. Intimacy Isn’t Just Physical

When we talk about intimacy, the mind often jumps to the physical realm. However, true intimacy extends beyond the bedroom — it’s about emotional vulnerability and connection.

Life’s challenges can prompt us to build walls and distance ourselves from our partners. We fear being vulnerable or burdening them with our struggles. Yet, real intimacy stems from sharing our fears, hopes, and dreams. Imagine opening up to your partner about something that’s been weighing on you and receiving understanding and support instead of judgment. That vulnerability forms a bond that’s resilient in the face of external challenges, a reminder that you’re not navigating life’s journey alone.

5. Reinvent Date Night

Remember those early dates filled with excitement and adventure? As time passes, these romantic outings often transform into routine dinners or Netflix marathons. But what if you injected spontaneity back into your relationship?

Surprise your partner with a date night that breaks the mold. It could be a simple picnic in the park, a game night, or a spontaneous dance party in your living room. The key is to break free from monotony and rediscover the joy of spending quality time together.

Imagine coming home, and your partner hands you a blindfold, leading you to a mysterious destination. As you remove the blindfold, you find yourselves in a spot that holds special memories for both of you. The nostalgia, mixed with the element of surprise, can reignite the spark that first brought you together.

Feeling miserable in your marriage doesn’t have to be the end of the road. Relationships are a journey, and like any journey, there are bound to be bumps along the way. If you’re feeling like your marriage makes you feel dead inside, take a step back and assess the landscape. Instead of seeing a tomb, try to see the potential for resurrection.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step in revitalizing your marriage. Click here to access our exclusive resource filled with practical tips and interactive exercises to help you breathe new life into your relationship.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. It’s not just another generic self-help manual. No, it’s a roadmap personalized for you, filled with practical tips, real-life stories, and actionable steps to inject life back into your marriage. It’s like having a personal guide through the labyrinth of your relationship, helping you discover the vibrant hues within your marriage.

Don’t let the routine of daily life cast a shadow over the love you share. Take the first step towards rediscovering the joy, connection, and intimacy that brought you together in the first place. Click here now and embark on a journey to transform your marriage from a grayscale existence to a vibrant tapestry of love and companionship.

Remember, it’s the small, intentional moments that make the biggest impact. Take that first step, and let’s embark on a journey to transform your marriage from a mundane routine into an extraordinary adventure. Click right here — your vibrant marriage awaits!



Harlow Kira

Experienced marriage counselor, guiding couples through challenges to rediscover joy and intimacy. Committed to building resilient partnerships.